The number of sudden deaths in the emergency department of the hospital on hot days increased! The doctor reminds: you must pay attention to these points on hot days

In the past few days, the high temperature and heat waves have continued in many places. As long as you go out, you will inevitably sweat profusely, and it will be sultry and breathless.

However, in addition to the common heat stroke, the impact of high temperature should also be alert to cardiovascular disease.

Lu Xiao, deputy chief physician of the Emergency Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, said in an interview with Orange Persimmon on July 14 that the recent continuous High temperature, the emergency department of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University receives more than ten sudden death patients almost every day, including young people in their 20s and 30s, and elderly people in their 60s and 70s. ①

Lu Xinzheng, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, also said in an interview with Health Times in 2012 that the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in summer In seasons, especially in high temperature days above 35°C, the mortality rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will increase significantly. ②

Authoritative research: the higher the temperature, the easier the cardiovascular collapse is

March 2022, “British Medical Journal” A study published in the online journal shows that higher summer temperatures are associated with a greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease. ③

Researchers call 2001~2015 Data on adult deaths from cardiovascular disease in England, Wales, UK, and King County, Washington, USA, in June and July of each year.

In England and Wales, every 1°C increase in summer nighttime temperature was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality in men aged 60-64. It increased by 3.1%, and the incidence of cardiovascular disease in adults aged 65-69 was more than 50% higher than that in adults aged 60-64; in Jin County, among people aged 65 and below, the mortality rate increased by 1°C for every 1°C increase in temperature. an increase of 4.8%. ③

Why are there high incidences of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in hot weather?

Liu Yingwu, Chief Physician of the Heart Center of Tianjin Third Central Hospital, introduced in an interview with Tianjin Daily in 2017 that the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the hot summer season is mainly due to these points ④:

1. Reduced blood flow to organs such as the heart

High temperature and high humidity significantly speed up the metabolism of the human body. In order to dissipate heat, the body will dilate the blood vessels on the surface of the body. The blood flow of the skin increases by 3 to 5 times than usual. will be relatively reduced.

2. Evaporation of sweat and thick blood

There is also a lot of sweating under high temperature, and the water in the body evaporates through sweat, which will make the blood thicker, and the blood clots will easily appear, causing myocardial infarction.

3. Hot weather can cause circulation disorders in the human body

Hot weather can also easily cause circulation disorders in the human body, excite the sympathetic nerves, increase the heart rate, and contract the coronary arteries. The increase … these factors will increase the burden on the heart.

4. Emotional irritability, blood pressure fluctuations

The high temperature in summer makes it easy to be irritable and emotionally unstable, which can lead to blood pressure fluctuations, induce coronary plaque shedding, and cause myocardial infarction.

5. Excessive craving for cold, thrombosis

Wang Mingjian, deputy director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Zhejiang Provincial Tongde Hospital, reminded in an interview with Hangzhou Daily in 2021 that the three colds—cold air conditioners, cold showers, and cold drinks—in the eyes of cardiologists, are great health benefits avoid.

In summer, in order to dissipate heat, the body will dilate the blood vessels on the body surface, and more blood will circulate to the body surface, brain, heart and other organs. The sharp decrease in flow is easy to cause ischemia. In addition, the human body sweats a lot, the blood is relatively concentrated, the viscosity increases, the blood flow is slow, and coagulation is prone to occur, resulting in vascular embolism. At this time, if there are external stimuli such as cold water and cold air, the temperature difference is large, the plaque is easy to rupture, and then thrombosis is formed, blocking the blood vessel. ⑤

Health Times Data Map

Summer Care” Heart”, do these points well

1. Less salt, less than 5 grams per day

< p>It is very important to eat lightly, and you can actively control the salt spoon when you eat at home.

Lu Xinzheng, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, reminded in an interview with Health Times in 2012 that people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially Hypertension patients should pay attention to the daily intake of salt, which needs to be controlled below 5 grams. At the same time, they should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and soy products, and consume more potassium to prevent blood pressure from rising. ②

2. Exercise, postpone morning exercise time

Lu Xinzheng said that the proportion and probability of early morning cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are higher in summer. According to the survey, 70%-80% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases occur at 6-10 am in the morning. Because the body that wakes up from sleep is in a state of sympathetic nervous excitation at this time, blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, and blood viscosity increases, thereby increasing the possibility of disease.

It is recommended that there be no high-intensity activities in the early morning. If you have the habit of morning exercise, you should also take a break in the morning and postpone the morning exercise time. ②

3. Go out and avoid going out when the temperature exceeds 32℃

Lu New Deal reminds that when the ambient temperature reaches 3When the temperature is 2 °C, the elderly should reduce physical activity and avoid unnecessary going out, especially to avoid going to places with high temperature, high humidity and dense population. ②

4. Emotions, stay happy

Lu Xinzheng said that a good mood and mentality are very important to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The weather is sultry and people are noisy, making people easily irritable, while emotional out-of-control and nervousness can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Elderly people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay attention to maintaining a happy and healthy state of mind. In fact, this is equivalent to giving blood vessels a holiday. ②

5. Air conditioner, try not to lower than 25°C p>

Huo Yong, director of the Department of Cardiology of Peking University First Hospital, suggested in an interview with Health Times in 2011 that the air conditioner should not be lower than 25°C as much as possible, and the room should be ventilated frequently. Be sure to get up and move around to speed up blood circulation. When returning to the air-conditioned room from the outdoors, it is recommended to stay outside the door or in the corridor for a while before entering to give the body a certain period of adaptation. ⑥

6. Drink water, even if you are not thirsty, but also hydrated

Since the increase in blood viscosity is mainly caused by lack of water, hydration is very important.

Huo Yong emphasized that people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must drink more water in summer, even if they are not thirsty, and drink more water deliberately , especially before going to bed at night and after getting up in the morning, you should drink a glass of water to prevent thrombosis and reduce the possibility of sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. But do not pour ice water violently, otherwise it is easy to stimulate vasoconstriction and cause danger. ⑥

7. Medication, long-term medication cannot be stopped

< p>In summer, human blood pressure and blood sugar are relatively low, and some people stop or reduce their medication without authorization.

Huo Yong, director of the Cardiology Department of Peking University First Hospital, reminded in an interview with Health Times in 2011 that for long-term use of drugs, there is evidence that, Once stopped, the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will quickly return to the original high level. Do not stop and reduce medication without medical advice. ⑥

This article is synthesized from

①2022-07-14 Orange Persimmon Interactive “A 22-year-old girl in Hangzhou Sudden death after staying up late and working overtime for four or five days in a row”

②2012-06-07 Health Times “The blood vessels should be rested on high temperature days”

③Haris Majeed, John S. Floras Warmer summer nocturnal surface air temperatures and cardiovascular disease death risk: a population-based study BMJ Open Mar 2022, 12 (3) e056806; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056806

④2017-07-18Tianjin Daily “Don’t be too aggressive in hot weather”

⑤2021-07-14Hangzhou Daily WeChat public account “Men blowing air-conditioning causing myocardial infarction doctor: 3 behaviors are taboo in summer”

⑥2011-07-28 Health Times “Severe Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Attacks in Summer” Just “urgent””