The number of nurses in my country has exceeded 5 million, and the number of registered nurses per thousand population is 3.56

China Youth Daily client, Beijing, May 11th (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Liu Changrong) This morning, the National Health and Medical Service The committee held a press conference to introduce the development achievements of my country’s nursing career since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The reporter learned that in the past ten years, the number of nurses in my country has increased at an average annual rate of 8%. By the end of 2021, the number of nurses in my country has exceeded 5 million, reaching 5.018 million, more than doubled from 2012. The number of registered nurses per 1,000 population reached 3.56, and nearly 80% of the nurses had a college degree or above. The overall quality and professional ability of the nurses continued to improve.

Tomorrow will be the 111th International Nurses Day. “Three points of treatment, seven points of nursing”, nursing work serves the whole process of life, old age, sickness and death. Guo Yanhong, Inspector of the National Health and Medical Commission’s Medical Administration and Hospital Administration Bureau, said at the press conference that whether it is in daily medical care work, or in the face of infectious diseases, and major natural disasters and other critical moments that threaten people’s health, the majority of nurses They all uphold the professional spirit of respecting life, saving the dying and helping the wounded, willing to contribute, and boundless love, to fulfill the important responsibility of serving people’s health.

With the expansion of the nurse team, the service capacity of nursing in my country continues to improve and the service field continues to expand. Guo Yanhong said that through the implementation of the elderly care service development project, nursing work will play an important role in the health work of the elderly. In the process of accelerating the promotion of home medical care services for the elderly, nurses have extended nursing services to communities and families, striving to provide diversified nursing services for the elderly, women and children and other people with chronic diseases.

“Now our nursing work is gradually developing towards specialization. Nursing staff use professional technology and scientific means to carry out the treatment of diseases.” Li Fan, executive chief nurse of the emergency department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, at the press conference The above further explained the professionalism of nursing work, “For example, intravenous infusion is also one of our most commonly used medication routes. Before taking medication, nurses must judge the patient’s condition, treatment time, and medication method, and we also base on the patient’s expectations. The type of vascular access should be selected according to the medication time and vascular condition, as well as the age of the patient.”

While the professionalism of the nurse team has been improved, their enthusiasm has been mobilized to a certain extent. Guo Yanhong said that in the process of deepening the medical reform, the state has given priority to the front-line and grass-roots positions in terms of salary distribution, professional title promotion, and reward evaluation of nurses, which has effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of nurses. Especially in recent years, with the joint support of all sectors of society, a social atmosphere of caring, supporting and caring for the nurse team has gradually formed, and the nurse team has been stabilized and developed.

Recently, the National Health Commission issued the “National Nursing Development Plan (2021-2025)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). The “Planning” proposes that by 2025, the total number of nurses in the country will reach 5.5 million, and the number of registered nurses per 1,000 population will reach 3.8. The number of nurses will continue to increase, the structure will be further optimized, and the quality and service capabilities will be significantly improved. The needs of health care development.

The “14th Five-Year Plan” period will also improve the nursing service system. By optimizing the layout of nursing resources, combining the changes in population structure, the characteristics of the disease spectrum and the needs of the people for medical and nursing services, a continuous nursing service system covering acute stage diagnosis and treatment, chronic stage rehabilitation, stable stage care, and hospice care will be improved. Increase the supply of nursing services. Especially in the fields of old age, rehabilitation, and home, to meet the health needs of the people.

Source: China Youth Daily Client