The new ecology of “fingertip consultation”: a city Internet hospital newly launched the cloud service “rubik’s cube matrix”

Caption: Photo courtesy of the interviewees of Shanghai First People’s Hospital Internet Hospital

Authoritative experts of “one-key direct connection”, realize “freedom of consultation” at home. Recently, Shanghai First People’s Hospital Internet Hospital has formed a cloud service “Magic Cube” through a series of innovative measures such as “Expert Team Online Consultation Service”, “AI Customer Service”, “Six Teachers in One Stepped Cloud Service”, and “Quick Answer Manual Service Line”. Matrix”, to create a new home “fingertip medical treatment” ecology for the people during the epidemic.

Today, the cloud-based online service matrix of No. 1 Internet Hospital in the city once again exerted its strength, and held the “May 1 Special Session” free online free consultation for experts. From May 1st to May 6th, 75 characteristic expert teams and 182 senior experts from the First City Hospital will carry out free free consultation services on the cloud for 6 days on the First City Hospital Internet Hospital Platform. The lineup of experts covers five categories: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, medical technicians, and inspections.

Caption: Dr. Feng Rui

Feng Rui, director of the Intervention Center and Director of Vascular Surgery (South) of the First City Hospital, received a patient who reported that he had thrombosis in his lower extremity and calf and had been taking expensive anticoagulant drugs for a long time. After consultation, Feng Rui found that the patient’s previous diagnosis may have been wrong, and suggested that the patient do a D-dimer test. Coincidentally, the patient happened to have this examination recently. According to the examination results, Feng Rui ruled out the possibility of thrombosis and corrected the direction of treatment for the patient.

Caption: Dr. Song Dianwen

Song Dianwen, deputy director of the Orthopaedic Clinical Medical Center, received an online “help” request from a 50-year-old male patient. The patient suffered from severe mental stress because of the pain in the shoulder and neck that persisted for a period of time. After detailed online consultation and one by one judgment and exclusion, Song Dianwen believed that the other party’s shoulder pain symptoms may be a serious physical reaction caused by anxiety. Therefore, on the one hand, the patient was directly relieved by telephone to relieve anxiety, and at the same time, treatment guidance was given for the symptoms of shoulder and neck pain.

A month ago, the patient experience department of the first city hospital conducted a survey and survey based on the needs of the public for medical treatment in Internet hospitals during the epidemic, and cooperated with the characteristic disciplines of the hospital and the Internet medical needs of the masses. Large departments jointly created the “Online Consultation Service of Expert Physician Team” project. Different from ordinary Internet hospital outpatient clinics, the patients admitted in this service project are all expert teams led by chief physicians, and more than 91% of them are experts at the level of deputy chief physician or above. Patients do not need to register, they only need to fill in their personal information and describe their condition on the platform, and the experts who visit the clinic can get in touch with the patients in real time through text or video.

Ophthalmology is the traditional dominant discipline of No. 1 Hospital in the city, and it is also the first mover to carry out the “expert physician team consulting service”. All sub-disciplines of ophthalmology, including fundus disease, cataract, orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery, refraction, canthus and corneal disease, glaucoma, strabismus and amblyopia, have online services provided by experts at the level of deputy chief physician or above. Experts said that this online consultation service function can just be misplaced and complementary to the existing general outpatient clinics of Internet hospitals. It can not only avoid the waste of resources by “high allocation for minor diseases”, but also prevent the delay of treatment for “mismatched serious diseases”, so as to better match patients with appropriate experts and treatment plans.

At present, there are 35 departments. , 75 expert teams have joined the “Expert Physician Team Consulting Service” project of a city-wide Internet hospital, covering the core characteristic disciplines of the hospital such as ophthalmology, urology, orthopedics, cardiology, gynecology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology and metabolism.

The online “ladder consultation” is another important part of the cloud service “Magic Cube” of an Internet hospital in the city. “Ladder consultation” is divided into three layers, the first layer is 24-hour AI artificial intelligence consultation; the second layer is online customer service answering questions; the third layer is doctors, nurses, pharmacists, rehabilitation specialists, nutritionists, social workers The “six divisions in one” service team composed of teachers answered questions. In addition, the hospital also opened a special consultation service line during the epidemic, strengthened staffing, and realized “ask questions and answers”, so that “things don’t stay overnight.” So far, more than 51,000 online inquiries have been responded to.

“This time, we have launched a series of new measures such as expert physician team consulting services to create a cloud service ‘Magic Cube’, which is not only an accurate service provided by the hospital to the needs of the people after research and analysis, but also an Internet hospital + Exploration and practice of the transformation of physical hospitals.” said Chai Shuang, director of the patient experience department of Shanghai First People’s Hospital, “We will continue to optimize the Internet hospital management system and strive to provide patients with medical services of the full life cycle and application scenarios.”

Xinmin Evening News reporter Zuo Yan