The new domestic new crown treatment drug “Qianjintiansu” attracts heated discussions

The new domestic new crown treatment drug “Qianjintiansu” has caused heated discussions on the Internet. This drug has won a national patent and is claimed to have 15,393 times the antiviral ability. This incident has also led to The stock price of Qianjin Pharmaceutical, a listed company in A-shares, goes up by the daily limit, because all of them contain the word “qianjin”. However, Qianjin Pharmaceutical’s board secretary replied to investors on the interactive platform that the company did not have Qianjin phylloxan related products, which means that it denied that it was directly related to the new domestic new crown treatment drug.

Not only Qianjin Pharmaceutical’s daily limit, but also Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine stocks were strong on May 13. Industry, Buchang Pharmaceutical, Kunming Pharmaceutical Group, etc. all soared.

According to the Science and Technology Daily, a new drug for the treatment of COVID-19 discovered by Chinese scientists has been authorized by the national invention patent. The patent specification shows that 10uM (micromol/L) of fenugreek inhibits the replication of coronavirus by 15,393 times.

What does the number 15,000 times mean? The inventor of the patent, Professor Tong Yigang, Dean of the School of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, said in an interview, “This number can be understood in layman’s terms as if there were 15,393 viruses without the use of fenugreek, 10 micromol/liter of fenugreek would be used. In the case of geranine drugs, the number of viruses will be only 1. That is to say, a very small amount of geranine can prevent the amplification and spread of the new coronavirus.”

Tong Yigang said that from the current research According to the data, the drug’s ability to inhibit the new coronavirus ranks high among all the new coronavirus inhibitors discovered by humans.

American scholars have also published papers in “Science” earlier, confirming that the data of fenugreek is outstanding among the 26 drugs they have studied, and they are better than the approved remdesivir and paclitaxel. Rowder.