The new data on the Shanghai epidemic came out, many people panicked, but in fact it was close to the highest level

New data on the Shanghai epidemic has come out. There are 326 new confirmed local cases and 5,656 local asymptomatic infections, a substantial increase from the previous day. Many people are panicking. , is the epidemic more serious? In fact, we can regard it as a “battle report” for nucleic acid testing of Pudong’s closure and control network. I originally expected the data to be even more ugly, but the entire Pudong has only increased confirmed cases compared with the previous day. 222 cases, 1,275 cases of asymptomatic infections. Some people on the Internet have said that this is an exponential increase. I can only laugh when I see it. It can be regarded as a multiple increase, and the epidemic has been gradually brought under control since then. This time, starting from 5:00 on March 28, with the Huangpu River as the boundary, Pudong, Punan and adjacent areas will be repeatedly pulled at least twice. Nucleic acid testing and sealing and control are equivalent to finding half of the patients in Shanghai and cutting off the infection routes of these patients. Next, we will conduct sealing and control testing in Puxi. I believe the data will be superimposed to a certain extent, but as for the so-called index The level increase basically does not appear.