The “nemesis” of wrinkles has been found. If you also like to eat it, you can get rid of fine lines and make your skin more transparent.

Every time the word “wrinkle” is mentioned, it makes women’s hearts squirm, and some female friends with obsessive-compulsive disorder have developed the habit of silently counting wrinkles in front of the mirror every morning. But wrinkles will not be reduced because of your simple attention. On the contrary, if you just stay on some surface work, it will only make wrinkles grow faster and faster.

If you want to really solve or delay the problem of wrinkles, you must start to improve the deep-seated causes of wrinkles in the skin, so as to better control the formation of wrinkles and slow down the pace of skin aging.

What are the causes of wrinkles?

1. UV damage

Ultraviolet rays can damage the basic structure of collagen and elastin, which can easily accelerate skin aging and induce the appearance of wrinkles, while photoaging At the same time, ultraviolet rays will also cause the skin to deposit melanin, making the skin dark, yellow, and dull, and it will also make the skin volatilize moisture, dry the skin, and form dry lines.

2. Unhealthy diet

Frequently eating some high-sugar foods can easily accelerate the glycosylation process of skin cells, and if you eat too much oily foods, it will cause The increase in the secretion of oil on the surface of the skin, blocking the pores and normal breathing can also easily cause skin aging. Spicy and irritating foods will damage the normal structure of our skin and mucous membranes, and high-salt foods will lead to dehydration and inactivation of cells, which is also a factor leading to the formation of wrinkles.

3. Smoking and Alcoholism

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The nicotine in the smoke is very harmful to skin cells, and it is easy to cause damage to the double helix structure of the DNA chain. Levels destroy the stable structure of skin cells. The skin condition of women who drink often is not very good. This is because the acetaldehyde component metabolized after alcohol enters the body is a substance that easily induces cytopathic changes, which will lead to adverse changes in the appearance of the skin.

Although these factors are more harmful to the skin and easily lead to the growth of wrinkles, they can be avoided if you pay more attention in your daily life. Compared with sun protection, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, women are often more likely to ignore basic healthy diets. While rejecting the above-mentioned unhealthy foods, they also need to supplement some nutrients that are beneficial to the skin, so as to better protect the skin’s firmness and youthfulness. .

The “nemesis” of wrinkles has been found, if you also like to eat, get rid of fine lines and make the skin more transparent

this” The “nemesis” actually refers to collagen, which keeps the skin hydrated and smooth for a long time.

In life, you should also pay attention to the corresponding maintenance of the skin. It is recommended to do one more thing:

Do a good job of hydrating and moisturizing


Women of any age should take good care of their skin and do Moisturizing and moisturizing work, choose the appropriate skin care products according to your skin type, try to choose mild, non-irritating, alcohol-free plant essence skin care products to reduce damage and irritation to the skin, and help the skin to be hydrated and smooth. Reduces wrinkles.