The natural “liver-nourishing king” around you, drink water every day to nourish the liver and reduce fire, and prevent serious diseases!

Nowadays, people’s work and life are under great pressure. Frequent staying up late will bring great harm to our body in the long run. Therefore, health preservation is no longer just a topic that the elderly should pay attention to. Young people are also very important now. Pay attention to health preservation, and even jokingly say that when he is middle-aged, he has to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup.

The following introduces 5 “liver-nourishing kings”, eat them often to nourish the liver and reduce fire, and prevent serious diseases!

One, wolfberry

Lycium barbarum has the same origin as medicine and food. It is a well-known precious Chinese medicinal material at home and abroad. It was listed as a top grade in the “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”, saying that it is “long-term and light-bodied, resistant to cold and heat”; it has anti-aging and anti-aging properties. The effect of the old, also known as “but Laozi”. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wolfberry is sweet in taste and flat in nature. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. It has a good effect of invigorating the kidney and nourishing essence, nourishing blood and improving eyesight, strengthening muscles and bones, maintaining health and strengthening the body, and delaying aging. Modern pharmacological research has found that wolfberry contains a variety of amino acids, and contains special nutrients such as betaine, zeaxanthin, and uricillin, which have the effect of treating chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases, making it very good for health care. effect.

The dandelion

Dandelion is a common weed in our countryside. Although it looks inconspicuous, it has very high medicinal value and is known as the “Queen of Herbs”. The whole plant of dandelion is produced all over the country. It is bitter, sweet and cold in nature, enters the liver meridian and stomach meridian, and has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, as well as diuresis and dehumidification. Dandelion is rich in choline and organic acids. These components help to remove liver fire and repair damaged cells in the liver. The light yellow color in dandelion also helps prevent liver cancer cells from lesions. Drink a cup of dandelion water every day. It has a very good liver nourishing effect, and it will also help us regulate the spleen and stomach, and the kidneys will become healthier.

Three, lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are sweet, astringent and flat, and have a shrinking effect. Lotus seeds enter the heart meridian, spleen meridian and kidney meridian, have the effect of nourishing the heart, nourishing the kidney and tonifying the spleen, and have the effect of astringing the intestines. Lotus seeds can treat summer dysentery, that is, to treat diarrhea, can strengthen the spleen, treat the syndrome of diarrhea, and can also treat chronic diarrhea and chronic dysentery. Lotus seeds have a beneficial effect on the kidney, and can treat nocturnal emission and vaginal discharge, which are all symptoms caused by deficiency of cold in the kidney. Lotus seeds also have the effect of reassuring the gods, and can treat insomnia and dreams. Lotus seeds can supplement the insufficiency of the five internal organs and benefit the qi and blood of the twelve meridians. Lotus seeds have such functions. Lotus seeds are a common ingredient in our lives, and their effect on nourishing the liver is also very good. Lotus seeds are rich in nutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrates. Eating lotus seeds often helps us not to nourish the qi and soothe the nerves, clear the liver fire, and help the spleen and stomach. It is also very good. Drinking a bowl of boiled lotus seed soup every day can help us evacuate the stagnation in our hearts, make us feel comfortable, and have the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the mind. It can also help reduce anger, protect the liver, and prevent liver cell lesions.

Four, three seven

The traditional Chinese medicine Panax notoginseng is a kind of precious Chinese medicinal material, which has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and hemostasis. It has a good maintenance effect on the liver, it can help us to clean up, stimulate the active ingredients of liver cells, improve the activity of liver cells, and form a protective film on the liver to protect the health of the liver. The health effect of Panax notoginseng should be It is much higher than wolfberry, but Panax notoginseng powder should not be purchased and eaten without authorization, and it is best to take it according to the dosage under the guidance of a doctor.

V. Salvia

The effect of traditional Chinese medicine Salvia is to remove blood stasis and relieve pain, promote blood circulation and clear meridians, and clear the heart and relieve vexation. The main component of salvia is tanshinone. According to research, it is found that salvia helps to improve the microcirculation in our liver, reduce the viscosity of blood, increase the blood flow of the liver, and promote the regeneration of liver cells. In addition, white peony root, angelica, chuanxiong, astragalus, ganoderma lucidum, peach kernel, schisandra, weeping pot grass, etc. also have good liver nourishing effect.

(Health Master)