The National Health and Health Commission held an enlarged meeting of the party group to convey and study the spirit of the national “two sessions”

On the afternoon of March 14, the National Health and Health Commission held an enlarged meeting of the party group to convey and study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the national “two sessions”, and to study, deploy and implement specific measures.

The meeting pointed out that this year’s National “Two Sessions” is a meeting held at an important moment when our country has entered a new journey of building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way and marching towards the second century goal. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech clarified the important experience of “five must-sees” in the new era, deeply analyzed the favorable conditions for my country’s development in five aspects, and explained the concept of the Chinese nation’s community, food security, social security, and law-based military governance. important issue. In particular, when participating in the deliberation of the Inner Mongolia delegation, he made important arrangements for the national epidemic prevention and control work, emphasizing the need to keep the bottom line of preventing a large-scale rebound of the epidemic, which pointed out the way forward and provided the fundamental guidelines for our work. Premier Li Keqiang’s “Government Work Report” fully reflects the overall deployment and requirements of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core on this year’s economic and social development work. Concerning people’s livelihood issues, it has made comprehensive arrangements for key tasks such as “continuing to do a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control” and “improving medical and health service capabilities”, fully embodying the governing philosophy of people first and life first.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to resolutely unify thoughts and actions into the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the national “two sessions”, loyally support the “two establishments”, and resolutely achieve “two maintenances” , fully implement the deployment requirements of the “Government Work Report” on health work, improve political ability, enhance business skills, temper a strong work style, do a solid job in key tasks in 2022, and promote high-quality development of health care. It is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control without slackening, focus on key links, coordinate epidemic prevention and control, disease control system reform, vaccination and other work, resolutely hold the bottom line, and consolidate the hard-won results of epidemic prevention and control. Continue to promote the deepening of medical reform, explore the path of high-quality development of public hospitals at all levels, promote the construction of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and optimize the order of medical treatment, and promote the reform of the disease control system. Continue to improve the medical and health service capacity, strengthen the capacity building of county hospitals, continue to implement the construction of key specialties, and promote the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine. Strengthen the “one old and one small” service, improve the health care service system, implement the three-child policy, and improve the level of prenatal and postnatal care services. We will further promote the Healthy China Action, improve the level of co-construction and sharing by the whole people, and promote the building of a community of human health.

The meeting required that all units directly under the commission should take the in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the spirit of the “two sessions” as an important political task, and fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept. , adhere to the principle of stability, seek progress while maintaining stability, adhere to systematic thinking and bottom-line thinking, guard the defense line of epidemic prevention and control, promote the high-quality development of health and health, and take responsibility for the people with deep feelings for the people. The Twenty Victory was held.

Members of the party group of the committee, the main responsible comrades of the departments and bureaus of the committee, the responsible comrades of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the committee, and the main responsible comrades of the directly affiliated and contact units of the committee attended the meeting.