The National Cancer Report is updated after 3 years: more than 10,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day! Focus on preventing these types of cancer

On February 27, the National Cancer Center released the latest cancer report in China in its own external journal “Journal of the National Cancer Center”. This is the first authoritative update on the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in China since the National Cancer Center published the 2015 incidence data in the journal “China Oncology” in 2019.

A careful person may question, how does the latest report Are you using 2016 data?

This is because it takes time for national data collection, collation and verification. Therefore, cancer reports are usually delayed to a certain extent. The findings used the latest and most representative data from 2016 nationwide, including 487 cancer registries covering a population of approximately 381,565,422 people, accounting for 27.60% of the national population at the end of 2016. ①

More than 10,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day!

According to the report, in 2016, there were about 4.064 million new cases of malignant tumor in my country, and 2.4135 million were caused by malignant tumors. cases of tumor death.

In other words, more than 10,000 people are diagnosed with new cancers every day in our country, and an average of 7 people are diagnosed every minute.

1. Which regions have a higher incidence of cancer?

From the perspective of regional incidence: the age-standardized incidence of malignant tumors in South China is the highest, followed by Northeast and East China.

From the perspective of regional mortality: the age-standardized mortality rate of malignant tumors in Central China is the highest, followed by Northeast China and South China area.

2. What age is more likely to have cancer?

Both cancer incidence and mortality increase with age and are The age group over the age of 2 years reaches its peak.

60-64 years old and 50-54 years old had the most malignant tumor cases, 60-64 years old and 75-79 years old Men and women also had the highest number of deaths from malignancies.

In general, men have higher morbidity and mortality rates than women, but women in the 20-49 age group have a higher incidence than women male.

3. Which cancers are increasing or decreasing?

From the perspective of individual cancer trends: esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, the incidence and mortality rates showed a downward trend;< /span>

The incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and thyroid cancer are on the rise. ①

Stay away from cancer, and focus on preventing these types of cancers!

This report lists the cancers with the highest incidence rates for men and women.

Men: Lung, Liver, Stomach, Colorectal, Esophageal, These 5 cancers accounted for about 68.83% of all newly diagnosed cancers in men. In other words, by preventing these 5 types of cancer, men can prevent 68.83% of cancers.

Women: Breast, Lung, Colorectal, Thyroid, Stomach , these 5 types of cancer account for about 56.11% of the total cancer deaths in women. By preventing these 5 types of cancer, women can prevent 56.11% of cancers. ①

However, don’t panic when you see this, in fact, the tumor has evolved from a normal tissue cell to a diameter of about 0.5~1 cm of solid tumors, which can take years. In this process, if it can be detected early and accurately by physical examination, then early treatment can nip cancer in the bud. After timely surgical resection of many carcinomas in situ, the patients basically live and live the same life as healthy normal people.

Therefore, for common cancer screenings, it is very important to choose the right check items. wrong! Remember, these are the “gold standards” for cancer screening!

1. Lung cancer—low-dose helical CT

< p>In the past, many people used X-rays to screen for lung cancer. In 2013, Yang Yufei, chief physician of the Oncology Department of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduced in a Health Times article that due to the low resolution of chest X-rays, the detection rate is relatively low. It’s too late, and early screening doesn’t make much sense.

Dr. Yang Yufei suggested that using CT to detect lung cancer has high resolution, and lung cancer tumors can be detected at 1 cm or even 0.8 cm Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people after the age of 50 or those with a family history of lung cancer should replace X-rays with low-dose CT in the physical examination. ②

2021 edition of “Recommendations for Screening and Prevention of Common Malignant Tumors in Residents” also recommends that low-dose helical CT screening should be performed for high-risk groups of lung cancer . ③

2. Gastric cancer – gastroscopy + biopsy

< p>Many people will not take the initiative to go for gastroscopy unless they have to. Statistics from the Clinical Oncology Collaborative Center of the China Anti-Cancer Association in 2018 show that the prevalence and mortality of gastric cancer in my country are more than twice the world average. The main reason is that compared with foreign countries, the “gold standard” of gastric cancer screening in my country, the popularity of gastroscopy, is very low, resulting in more than 90% of gastric cancer patients being found at an advanced stage, and the five-year survival rate is less than 20%.

Shandong University QiluZuo Xiuli, director of the hospital’s gastroenterology department, pointed out in a Health Times article in 2019 that the five-year survival rate for advanced gastric cancer is less than 20%, while 90% of early gastric cancer can be cured. Sadly, 90% of gastric cancers in my country are found in the middle and late stages. Gastroscopy is the first-line method for diagnosing gastric diseases. Through gastroscopy + biopsy screening, gastric cancer can actually be prevented. Therefore, it is necessary to perform gastroscopy in time according to the specific condition and the doctor’s recommendation, and do not wait until the condition deteriorates before considering gastroscopy. ④

3. Liver cancer – alpha-fetoprotein + liver B-ultrasound< /p>

A joint examination of “alpha-fetoprotein + B-ultrasound” is required to check liver cancer. It should be noted that the use of alpha-fetoprotein screening alone will lead to certain missed diagnoses. According to years of clinical trials, B-ultrasound combined with serum alpha-fetoprotein has an accuracy rate of more than 90% in detecting liver cancer, which is the preferred method for clinical diagnosis of early-stage liver cancer. ⑤

The 2021 edition of “Recommendations for Screening and Prevention of Common Malignant Tumors in Residents” also recommends that liver cancer screening be combined with serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and liver B-ultrasound, screening every 6 months in high-risk groups. ③

4. Colorectal cancer – colonoscopy

As an effective means of colon cancer screening, many people are not very accepting of colonoscopy. Li Zhaoshen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Changhai Hospital Affiliated to Naval Military Medical University, said in an interview with Health Times in July 2018 that after working in the gastroenterology department for many years, what has always bothered me is the rejection and resistance of patients to gastrointestinal endoscopy. He has also emphasized many times in public that a colonoscopy must be done over the age of 45. You will be fine for five or ten years after a colonoscopy, and you will not get colorectal cancer. ⑥

The 2021 edition of “Recommendations for the Screening and Prevention of Common Malignant Tumors in Residents” emphasizes that colorectal cancer screening starts at the age of 45, regardless of gender, every year. 1 fecal occult blood (FOBT) test and colonoscopy every 10 years until age 75. ③

5. Breast cancer – mammography

Gu Yajia, head of the breast group of the Radiology Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association and director of the Radiation Diagnosis Department of Fudan Cancer Hospital, introduced in an interview with Health Times in 2019 that X-ray examinations for breast cancer also The molybdenum and palladium examination is a simple and effective screening method for diagnosing breast diseases.

Cai Weimin, Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine , X-ray examination happens to be more sensitive. In addition, there are still finished films for preservation, so it is the first choice whether it is international or domestic. For the general population, the “Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines” recommends that women aged 40-45 should have a mammogram every year, and women aged 45-69 should have a mammogram every 1-2 years. ⑦

6. Esophageal cancer – endoscopy

Professor Hao Anlin, director of the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Anyang Cancer Hospital, Henan Province, introduced in an interview with a Health Times reporter in December 2021 that “the early symptoms of esophageal cancer are not typical and are easily ignored.” Therefore For esophageal cancer, if you want to detect early, it is not enough to diagnose only by symptoms. The most important thing is to screen as soon as possible. ⑧

According to the recommendations of the 2021 edition of “Recommendations for Screening and Prevention of Common Malignant Tumors in Residents” issued by Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association and Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital , General endoscopy is preferred for esophageal cancer screening, and high-risk groups should be checked every 2 years. Endoscopic pathological examination results suggest mild dysplasia, endoscopy once a year; endoscopic pathological examination results suggest moderate dysplasia, endoscopy once every six months. ③

7. Thyroid cancer – neck ultrasound

Among most malignant cancers, thyroid cancer is relatively “mild”, it generally does not damage other organs, and many patients can survive for a long time as long as they are treated properly.

The most effective screening method for thyroid cancer is neck ultrasound. General population 20-29 years old clinical neck examination every 2-3 years, once a year after 30 years old. Annual neck ultrasound after age 30 (including thyroid, neck, supraclavicular). A neck ultrasound is recommended for women before pregnancy and at the end of lactation. ③

This article is synthesized from:

< p>①Cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2016

https:/ /

②2013-01-24 Health Times ” Countless unreliable physical examination items”

③2020-04-15 Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association, Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital “Recommendations for the Screening and Prevention of Common Malignant Tumors in Residents (2021 Edition)”

④2019-03- 19 Health Times “Over half of the world’s gastric cancers are in China”

⑤2014-06-24 Nanfang Daily “B-ultrasound is easy Misdiagnosed “big liver cancer””

⑥2018-07-20 Health Times “Li Zhaoshen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering – Early Detection A case of cancer saves a family” ⑦ 2019-11-01 Health Times “X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance… How to choose a breast cancer screening method? Experts Say So moon! Famous actors Tu Men passed away, half of the world’s esophageal cancer patients are in my country” (Zhao Yuanzhi)

Edit: Lu Yang

Reviewer: Yang Xiaoming