The mountain is silent, the still water is deep; being a person is like water, doing things like a mountain

When people live in society, they must speak, do things, deal with people, and be inseparable from things. How can I build myself into a strong and introverted, reliable and stable person? That is “Four Words”: The mountain is silent, the still water is deep; ”

I. About “No Words in High Mountains”

If you want to achieve success in your career, no matter what you do, you must have a firm belief, be steady as a rock, have the courage to face various challenges and difficulties, and be unswerving. Willingness and perseverance, no matter how big the world’s difficulties are, there is no such thing as hard to overcome, and there is no unattainable height.

The meaning of being silent in the mountains lies in “steadiness” Two words. Mountains never boast about their high danger, but everyone can appreciate its majesty, which is the mountain’s character.

Second, about the “deep flow of still water”

mountain There is the spirit of the mountain, and the sea has the mind of the sea. People always like to compete, but water is not like this. Up and down, the sky turns into clouds and mist, and the ground turns into rain and dew, and the trickles converge into a river, from high to low, galloping endlessly.

The biggest feature of water is that it is highly portable, can be high or low, adaptable All environments. Although it seems that the water is powerless, the water chestnut can be ground into the garden, and water drops can also penetrate the stone.

Third, about “being a human being like water”

Being a human being is actually very difficult, and you will encounter All kinds of things, met all kinds of people. This requires oneself to be as flexible, changeable, and tolerant as water. No matter what kind of problems and challenges you encounter, you must have the energy to “drop water through stone”.

Water also has a very unique feature, that is, the “self-purification function”, no matter how turbid and dirty the water is, it will be realized after a certain period of time. Self-purification.

Be like water, adapt to various environments, and emerge from the silt without staining. “There are ravines in the chest, and there is no city for others.” Just like a clear spring, it is unfathomable at first glance, but it is pure and transparent, allowing people to see it clearly, but not through it.

Fourth, about “doing things like a mountain”

Mountains have their own heights, and it is precisely because of their heights that people just look up. People do things like a mountain, “do things with a high profile, and be a low-key person”. Only by doing well in the things, work and tasks that you undertake can you be appreciated by others.

The mountain is not only high, but also steep and beautiful, which is pleasing to the eye and unforgettable. In the process of doing things, people must also dare to take on difficulties and dangers, and constantly burst out the “waves” of achievements, so that others can admire them.

At the same time, it is necessary to learn how the mountains are not afraid of wind and rain, and dare to keep the wind and rain at bay. Continue to exercise and grow in the baptism of wind and rain.