The most dangerous 7 days after the child recovers from illness, so arrange diet and daily maintenance

Today I will talk about the pit I stepped on. The child’s cough has been cured some time ago, but when he wakes up in the morning, his nose is still a little humming, and his nose is runny. I thought to myself that the child was over 3 years old, and he should be able to survive without taboos, so I didn’t care about him. Coinciding with the festival, there were many parties and the food was very complicated. As a result, the cough came back again. Because I let my child eat and drink when he was just sick, the child started to have a runny nose and developed into a stuffy nose in the middle of the night, sleeping with his mouth open, snoring, and sneezing when he woke up in the morning. of thick snot. When I saw my child wake up in the middle of the night with a stuffy nose until he couldn’t breathe, opened his mouth to breathe, and snored, regret and self-blame came on me, and I couldn’t breathe. I seem to be one with the child, and the child can’t breathe and I can’t breathe. My child had a stuffy nose in the middle of the night and snored for two or three nights, and I was sleepless during these nights. Maybe many mothers were the same as me at first. For the first week after the child’s illness, everyone may ignore it. Generally, I feel that the child is sick and suffers, and starts to supplement the child with various high protein. Or the child will be very craving for snacks, very hungry, it is easy to eat more, resulting in food accumulation. This allows the evil to be ignited again like sparks in the embers. In fact, the 7 days after a child’s illness is the most likely to repeat, and maintenance is very important. I also reflected on the maintenance of the 7 days after the illness, and I hope it will help you. 01 DietThe diet should be as light as possible for 7 days after the illness. Meat, eggs, and milk can be eaten, but feedback feeding is required. You can give your child some Taoling Yuping Cream. The formula is mild and the taste is sweet and sour. It is suitable for children who are prone to repeated colds, stuffy nose at night, and sneezing in the morning. If the child wakes up in the morning to clear the nose, use 3 grams of perilla leaves, 3-4 slices of unpeeled white radish, 3 grams of dried tangerine peel, add water and boil for 10 minutes, as a substitute for tea. Perilla is warm and warm and returns to the spleen meridian, which induces perspiration and relieves the surface, and promotes qi in the middle. It has the effects of clearing heat and promoting body fluid, cooling blood to stop bleeding, widening the lower qi, digesting food and resolving stagnation, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, smoothing qi and resolving phlegm; tangerine peel is acrid, bitter, and warm in nature. Returns to the spleen, stomach and lung meridians. Regulate Qi and neutralize, dry dampness and resolve phlegm, diuresis and laxative. The three boiled water have the functions of dispelling cold, relieving cough, relieving external appearance and regulating Qi. After the child is completely healed, you can grab a small handful of dried yam and boil water for 20 minutes for the child to drink. Yam is sweet and warm, removes cold and heat pathogenic qi, invigorates the middle and strengthens energy, and grows muscles. The yam water is sweet and delicious. After a cold, the spleen and stomach qi are deficient, nourishing the spleen and stomach, and the lung qi. 02 ExerciseDo not sweat profusely during exercise. If the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, children are prone to wind and colds when they go out and enter the house. Protect your neck. The head and chest are places that are vulnerable to wind and evil. 03 Soaking feetDaily soaking, can protect the spleen and stomach with the sheep papa The formula is mild, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach, and soaks it until the child sweats slightly. It has been tested personally. 04 SleepEarly sleep cures all ailments. After the child got sick this time, I adjusted the child’s schedule forward. Now go to bed at 8:30 every night, turn off the lights, chat with the child about what happened during the day, tell stories, and the child falls asleep around 9:00. Take care in the middle of the night to see if the child is sweating, rolling over, sleeping on his stomach, sleeping on his stomach, or sleeping with his mouth open, and pay attention to whether the child has bad breath in the morning. 05 Second bowel movementPay attention to the child’s second bowel movement: whether the stool is not golden stool, whether there is constipation or diarrhea. Urine is clear and long or Huang Sao. If you have constipation, it may be due to weak spleen and stomach, slow gastrointestinal motility, you need to eat lightly, and supplement body fluid. The diet therapy for supplementing body fluid includes rice porridge, millet porridge, small noodle soup, etc. Appropriately increase exercise. It may be because of cold air. If the child is in good condition, you can first observe and feed back. Long and clear urination indicates deficient cold, and it is necessary to expel cold and relieve the body. Yellow urination indicates that there is heat in the body. Accumulation of food will lead to heat evil in the body. It is better to eat a light diet and drink some rice porridge. 06 EmotionsFinally, I think it is still very important about children’s emotions. Children will be greedy because of illness. Children reason why they should avoid food, not just saying that you just can’t eat it. Such general words such as bad health will make children feel that parents are very assertive. Here I recommend the picture book “There is a Railway Station in the Stomach”. This picture book simulates cells as elf and the gastrointestinal tract as a railway station. The elf’s daily job is to make food into a nutritional puree and load it on the train. Under the movement of the elf, the train passes through the small and large intestines, and the useful mud is converted into nutrients for the baby’s body to absorb, and the useless becomes baba. The elf also poured useless mud down the toilet. This picture book is lively and interesting, and children are very willing to listen to it. Do you want your stomach to be full of stinky cakes? So you should avoid food and eat a little bit. Easy and mashed food makes the elves less tired, such as eating some porridge, noodles, etc. In this way, the elves will recover as soon as possible, your illness will be fine, and we can eat delicious food when we don’t have a cough Lah.07 is written at the endThe recurrence of this illness made me very anxious, because my child’s last cold and cough lasted for two months, just in time for I started to catch a cold again. Repeated colds are one of the main causes of adenoid hypertrophy, and repeated attacks of adenoid inflammation can stimulate pathological hyperplasia of adenoids, which in turn causes nasal obstruction, snoring, and often mucus and purulent secretions in the nostrils. In severe cases, it may also affect the child’s growth and intellectual development, and there is also the risk of surgery.Conversely, if we can be more patient, we will avoid the child’s suffering, and we will also A lot of peace of mind. Take the child’s illness as a tool to temper our mind, and a strong heart will be tempered little by little in the process of the child’s illness. When we have a strong heart, I believe that our child will not be a Weak people. Come on and encourage each other.Author| PeachEditor| ColumnProofreader| Xue JianIllustrator| Alaya Knowledge

About the author: Peach, a student of the ABC course of Dad Sheep, Mama Daxibao, and a fan of Dad Sheep.