The most cunning “lymphoma” is actually not terrible!

Lump on the body

Itchy skin


Watch out for these lymphoma symptoms!

How is lymphoma treated?

Why is lymphoma recurrence not scary?

Listen to what the experts have to say!

According to statistics, in the past two decades, the number of lymphoma patients in China has been increasing at a rate of 4% to 6% every year. Among all tumors, lymphoma is the fastest growing.

What are the common symptoms of lymphoma?

The most common symptom is one


How to self-examine lymphoma? The lumps that grow out of lymphoma are characterized by being relatively hard and growing fast, and taking anti-inflammatory drugs is ineffective. Inflammatory masses are characterized by soft touch, slow growth, and mobility, which can be relieved by taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pro tip:

Self-examination does not count. The final diagnosis is whether it is lymphoma, but also to the hospital for a pathological biopsy.

The gradually enlarged lymph nodes are called progressive enlargement. For example, from the initial size of a quail egg, the size of an egg, and finally the size of a goose egg. This dynamic change illustrates the rapid proliferation of cancer cells.

The most common symptom II

Itchy skin

Another general systemic symptom of lymphoma is “itchy skin”. This itching is more common in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This itching often has no other cause and gets worse.

Three more common symptoms


“Human wasting” is also a typical manifestation of lymphoma. This thinness is not caused by deliberately losing weight, but inexplicably thinning. While losing weight, a person may feel particularly fatigued, or have recurrent and persistent fever symptoms.

Why is lymphoma prone to relapse?

Lymphoma is a systemic disease. The lymphatic system is found all over the body, and lymphoma can develop wherever there is a lymphatic system. Although lymphoma can be controlled, there is still the possibility of recurrence. In general, the chance of recurrence at the primary site is relatively higher. Therefore, we need to go to the hospital for regular check-ups to prevent the recurrence of lymphoma.

Excessive exertion can lead to lymphoma recurrence. The immune system is an important defense system in the human body. If there is a problem with this system, the virus will attack our body. Lymphocytes mutate and turn into tumors. Therefore, we must maintain healthy living habits in our lives and pay more attention to rest.

Lymphoma recurrence? Not scary!

How is lymphoma treated? On the one hand, standard chemotherapy, including stem cell transplantation, should be used. On the one hand, there is the application of new drugs. Hematopoietic stem cells are the “ancestors”, or master cells, of the body’s blood-producing cells. It has the ability to differentiate, proliferate different cells every day.

Storing hematopoietic stem cells outside is equivalent to depositing a sum of money in advance, but actually refrigerating the stored cells. Doing high doses of chemotherapy is like setting fire to waste, burning out both good and bad cells. At this time, the preserved hematopoietic stem cells are reinfused back, and the cells germinate like seeds. This process is called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

(CCTV Health Road)