The most beautiful women and children: protect your health and keep you safe

In order to strengthen health education and raise public awareness and level of protection, let the villagers stay at home You can enjoy high-quality medical services at the door. Recently, the medical staff of Zhijiang Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center walked into Guzhu Village, Biyong Town to hold the theme day of “Sending a Doctor to the Countryside” and a free clinic activity led by the party building.

Guzhu Village is relatively remote. Due to the lack of knowledge about disease prevention, the people in the village do not pay attention to their own health. Some people suffer from Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. With their skilled medical technology, enthusiastic service attitude, and careful routine inspections of blood pressure and blood sugar for the villagers, the medical experts instructed them on the daily precautions according to the situation of each villager, introduced the knowledge of disease prevention and health preservation in detail, and proposed Reasonable diet, exercise and other life guidance, to achieve “prevention before disease”, “prevention of disease change” and “prevention of relapse”, and gave you corresponding medicines, as well as some daily needed cold medicines.

In the activity, the medical team also conducted a special health checkup for the students of Guzhu Village School, measuring their height and weight , test vision, observe bone development, presented books, atlas, school supplies.

During the home visit, it was found that the blood pressure of villager Yang Quanxiu reached 175/105mmHg, and the director of the center patiently promoted it for him Knowledge of hypertension, instructed to take medicine on time, and immediately contacted Biyong Township Health Center to handle chronic disease files for Yang Quanxiu. On that day, the free clinic received more than 80 villagers, visited more than 10 households, and distributed medical protective equipment worth more than 2,000 yuan, which was well received by the villagers.

A group of people, one car, one road, keep going! Use footsteps to measure the land, use love to ignite hope, and let smiles permeate the faces of every common person. Protecting your health and protecting your safety is the purpose of every woman and child. I hope that every woman and child who goes to the countryside can bring a trace of warmth to the people in the mountains.

Release:Yang ChunTang QiaoqiaoHuang Jialin

Graphic and text production: Yang Yanfen ShiXiHaoEditor: Yang Hui Hong Tang XianbinEditor in charge: Ming Yi Wang DaqingSource: Zhijiang Rong Media Center

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[Source: Zhijiang in the world]

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