The most advanced Qin army formation beyond imagination

In Gaoping County, Shanxi Province, this village is called Sanjun Village. More than 2,000 years ago, Zhao Jun’s headquarters was located here. After Zhao Jun was surrounded, he immediately built fortifications and waited for rescue. At this time, Sima Qian wrote that Bai Qi, the commander of the Qin army, did not immediately launch a general attack. He planned to use a more cruel method to weaken the opponent’s will to fight. Bai Qi encircled him instead of fighting, and only dispatched light troops to repeatedly attack and torture Zhao, who was besieged. military.

The siege lasted for 46 days. During those tragic days and nights, the Qin army repeatedly charged and killed among the hungry and exhausted Zhao army soldiers. Light soldiers, what kind of troops are they?

Among the many clay warriors, there is a group who Holding a spear, without any protective armor, it is a typical light load. On the battlefield of the cold weapon era, the warriors in this attire either developed a superb fighting technique or possessed extraordinary courage. Some military experts believe that these fighters are likely to be what Sima Qian called “light soldiers.” However, other experts have a different view.

In the second pit, next to the cavalry unit, archaeologists found a large number of remnants of chariots, but when the detection results were all When it came out, the experts were quite surprised.

In the Qin era, the cooperation of vehicles and steps was the most typical combat method. Behind the huge chariot, there are always infantry to follow, and the chariots always advance together when attacking. The fighting method of chasing and rushing has been popular for more than a thousand years.

However, the detection results here are completely different. Under the thick loess, there is a pure 64 chariots buried. force.

These chariots were small and still powered by four horses. It can be assumed that since there are no infantry to follow, they can completely keep up with the speed of the cavalry. The soldiers on the chariot were equipped with stabbing weapons such as ge, spear, etc., just to make up for the shortcoming that the cavalry could not attack at close range.

Some experts believe that the light soldiers who attacked the trapped Zhao army should be the independent chariot that divided the Zhao army into two. 25,000 Raiders are likely to have such an independent tank force.

When the news that the main force of Zhao’s army was besieged in Changping reached Xianyang, the uneasy King Zhao of Qin was overjoyed. All the above men were recruited to form an army. This improvised Qin army was inserted from the two wings of the battlefield to the back of the Zhao army’s base camp, completely cutting off all the Zhao army’s back roads.

Zhao Kuo, the commander of the Zhao army, finally realized that the situation was extremely dangerous. He divided his troops into four teams and tried desperately to break through. Sima Qian did not mention in which direction Zhao Kuo was breaking out of the siege. The logical guess should be that it was in the direction of the Zhao army’s base camp. If this is the case, the Zhao army must pass a pass, that is, the 25,000 strange soldiers, it is they, Close the iron gate where Zhao Kuo and the base camp defenders meet.

It is conceivable that in the entire encirclement, the most brutal battle has ever occurred here. If the Qin army, who is the “Queen of Zhao Jun”, fails to withstand Zhao Jun’s desperate breakout, the outcome of this war may be rewritten. At this time, there is nothing more effective than a well-organized army formation except the bravery of the soldiers.

In this solidified underground army, more than 6,000 terracotta warriors and horses form a living Qin army formation. Arranged at the front of the army are three rows of crossbowmen, who are the vanguard of the entire army. There are also three rows of crossbowmen at the rear of the army formation, which are still buried underground. They are the rear guard of the whole army formation.

There are three columns at the end of the army formation, one of which is facing back, why is it arranged this way, it prevents the enemy from behind attack.

On the right flank of the formation, there are two columns of soldiers, one facing forward and the other facing the wall. On the left flank, there was also a line of soldiers staring out. This arrangement is to beware of the sudden attack of the enemy on the left and right sides of the army. These wall-faced soldiers are the escort of the entire legion’s wings.

There are forwards, defenders, and two wings. Surrounded by these four sides, in the middle is the main body of a huge army formation.

This is the main force composed of 38 columns, with staggered infantry and chariots, mighty and majestic.

It is a gathering formation, and he did not open it. The military book once said that it is as solid as a rock, and once it is unfolded, it is like ten thousand arcs. The sharp edge, like a knife, straightened out.