The more “black” these 3 parts of a girl, the more “dirty” the uterus may be, I hope you don’t have any of them

The uterus is a very important organ in a woman’s body. It is not only a place where new life is born, but also a unique organ for women. It also affects human health and is related to A woman’s skin and the rate of aging. #Xiafang Health Guide#

When the uterus is healthy, the secretion of estrogen is also normal, the endocrine It will also be stable. Because of these prerequisites, the immune system of the body will also be stable. If there is a problem, it will inevitably bring about uterine disease, ovarian disease and so on.


The more “black” these three parts of a girl are, the more “dirty” the uterus will be. I hope you don’t have one!

[groin “blackening”]

The groin is a relatively hidden part of the human body. Most people don’t care about it. It is between your abdomen and thighs. Location, because the location is relatively hidden, it is easy to be ignored, and women usually don’t go to check it out, so naturally this place is prone to problems.

The groin should be the same color as the rest of the body. There are many lymph nodes in the groin, which can It is said to be the largest detoxification system in the body. If you find that the groin is black, it is likely to be caused by the accumulation of toxins in the uterus. The toxins in the uterus cannot be excreted, which will cause excessive precipitation of melanin in the groin.

If it is dirty because it is not washed, then wash it clean, if the daily cleaning does not improve, then it proves Your uterus is not clean, you should do a good job of keeping warm, and you must pay attention to this position when taking a bath.


The areola refers to the position around the nipple. Female friends can observe carefully when changing underwear or taking a bath. Once you find that the color around the nipple changes If it is dark and black, it is likely that the color is deepened due to abnormal secretion of hormones in the body.

Of course, another aspect is that because the uterus is too cold, too many toxins and blood stasis have accumulated, which It leads to darkening of the color. At this time, you must be highly vigilant and improve it through moderate exercise and adjustment of diet structure.


Girls’ lips are the most obvious part of the body, no matter what problem occurs in the body, the lips will be the first to change, just like the lips of girls before and after menstruation There are very different changes.

And when there is too much garbage in the uterus, and the girl is in her aunt, her lips will turn black, Otherwise, it will be more rosy normally. If the lips are black for a long time, then you must pay attention.


If you want a healthier uterus, teach you 4 tricks to warm the uterus and drain the sewage

< strong>1. Soak your feet in hot water before going to bed

The feet are called As the “second heart of the human body”, the soles of the feet are distributed with many organs connected to the body’s internal organs.It is not only a good way to relieve fatigue and help sleep.

During the foot bath, the hot air can enter the body through the soles of the feet to promote blood circulation, which is beneficial to the smooth flow of Qi and blood in women. , so as to protect the health of the uterus. Soak in warm water at 45~55°C until your body sweats slightly.

2, multi-sport

Many women are in a sedentary state during work and study, which can easily affect the blood circulation of the body. Persistent exercise can help improve the blood flow state and enable the uterus to receive adequate blood maintenance. .

Choose an exercise method that interests you and is easy to stick to, and stick to exercising for 30 minutes to an hour every day. Make female friends healthier and keep their youthful appearance.

3. Massage “Qi Chong”

Qichong acupoint is located in a woman’s groin, which is the root of the thigh. This position is more convenient for pressing than Shenshu. It can help to dredge the qi and blood of the uterus, and it can also speed up blood circulation and help the uterus to expel cold air. When a woman has dysmenorrhea, proper pressing can also relieve it. It is still pressed for ten minutes before going to bed every day.

If you can keep pressing this acupoint, it will gradually become unobstructed. The cold is not easy to accumulate, not only is it not easy to grow fibroids, but also the dysmenorrhea situation will be much better.


Get more sun

Women should love the sun, Some women are afraid that they will get tanned, so they go out during the day and like to go out at night. Please remember that it is not good to go out of the sun for a long time, and women should do it when the sun is not very strong.

I mainly bask on my head and back, because the important acupoints and meridians of the human body are located in these two in the location. Choose a stage when the sun is softer every day, move a chair and bend your head in the sun for a few minutes. It is very helpful for dispelling the cold in the body.


Extended – Top Ten Palace Warming Foods

1. Longan: It is a warm food, rich in iron and has a warming effect, but it is not suitable for pregnant women and children;

< span>2. Lycium barbarum: It has nourishing and therapeutic effects, but it is best not to eat if you have a fever or inflammation in the body;

3. Red beans: It can nourish and strengthen, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. It can also clear the fire, nourish the heart and blood, warm the body and drive away the cold;

4. It can delay aging, enhance the vitality of the body, and beautify the face. Whether it is palace cold or not, girls can eat some;

< span>5. Ejiao: It can treat various symptoms of bleeding and anemia, and promote the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin;

6. Angelica: Known as the “sacred medicine in blood”, it can treat dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation;

7. Motherwort: It can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, diuresis and swelling, which is very good for girls;

8, safflower : Can promote blood circulation, dispel blood stasis and relieve pain, relieve pain, nourish blood and activate blood;

9. Peanut: Gonghan is a lack of fire, and eating peanuts is not easy to get angry, and it can also replenish energy in the body;

10. Walnuts: Replenishing Qi also warms the body and is also very good for the brain.

Uterine cold will cause qi and blood to coagulate and stagnate, and uterine toxins will accumulate and cannot be excreted from the body. It will cause dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, back pain, and even infertility and other risks.

Female friends can also drink more ginger jujube tea to warm the palace, activate blood, replenish blood and qi, and restore the uterus. Expel toxins and relieve a series of problems caused by uterine cold. If you find that your condition is more serious, you must seek medical examination in time, and the risk of diseases that threaten our health will be strangled in the cradle! span>