The mobile phone exploded in the early morning, and the 2 daughters died on the spot! 4 signs before the explosion

With the development of electronic products, our work and life have been greatly facilitated. This equipment, which has benefited millions of people, is now brewing one tragedy after another.

As a medical worker, the use of popular science electronic products is not my obligation. But as a father, I’m more worried that tragedies like the one below continue to repeat themselves.

This is the news released by China Fire Protection on March 24:

A few days ago, in Hezhou, Guangxi, a resident forgot to unplug the charger when he went out.

As a result, not long after leaving, there was a clear fire in the house. In just a few minutes, the fire spread rapidly, igniting a large number of items in the home.

Fortunately, no one was at home at the time, so there were no casualties.

But some people are not so lucky.


With a loud bang, both children die

Here’s what happened in 2018:

A young couple at that time, like many young people now, liked to play with their mobile phones before going to bed. But he fell asleep while playing, and the charging mobile phone was thrown on the bed.

Like most people, they are waiting to fully charge their phones before going to work the next day. But it was such a “normal” idea that took away two innocent lives.

In the early hours of the morning, the phone exploded and ignited the items on the bed. The sleeping family didn’t react at all and was swallowed up by the fire.

Although the family of four was rushed to the hospital, the 3-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter eventually died of multiple organ failure.

Although my mother escaped, the situation was not much better: the head and upper limbs were severely burned, and the subsequent high medical expenses made the family who was not rich even worse. .

Dad suffered the least injuries, with only minor burns to his left hand.

Medical bills and property damage are secondary and unacceptable, a baby who was alive and kicking at bedtime was gone overnight. After going through so much, I really don’t know how much courage this family will have in the future to move forward.

Mobile phone exploding, sounds uncommon. But in real life, such accidents abound:

Image source: Life Alert


Why phones explode,

The fourth one is often committed by many people!

Maybe many people are curious, why do good-end mobile phones explode? There are many reasons for this!

There is a problem with the battery itself

If the design of the battery is inherently flawed, it will explode even if it is not being charged or used. So when you buy a mobile phone or replace the battery, you must choose a regular channel.

Charging cable shorted

While charging and playing with our phone, we may unintentionally pull on the charging cable, causing a short circuit and explosion.

Place your phone in an area that is too hot

This is most common in summer, especially in cars. The battery itself is not resistant to high temperature. If there are flammable objects on the side of the phone at this time, it is easy to have an accident.

Hybrid Charger

Many of the explosions and spontaneous combustion cases we see are caused by not using the original charger.

Many people subconsciously think that as long as they can charge their mobile phones, they don’t care whether they are original or not. As everyone knows, there are obvious deviations in the charging power of different chargers, especially those chargers that are bought on the street. You are lucky if you buy a slightly better quality, and you will die if you buy a bad one. /strong>So be sure to use the original charger.


4 Signs of a Cell Phone Exploding,

Knowing earlier can really save lives!

Phone won’t charge

Most of the time, cell phone explosions are caused by the battery, after all, cell phone components don’t explode. If it is found that the phone cannot be charged, and the problem of the charger is also ruled out, then the most likely reason is that the battery is bad. At this time, don’t try to charge it again, and send it to repair immediately.

Phone is extremely hot

Usually if we play with the mobile phone or make calls for a long time, the mobile phone will get hot; some mobile phone models (a fruit mobile phone) are also very hot in summer, these are normal Phenomenon.

However, if you are using your phone normally, but the phone is abnormally hot, stop the operation immediately.

Battery is significantly aging

The aging of the battery is traceable, such as more and more power consumption, just fully charged for a while and then dead, the surface of the battery is empty and even has liquid flowing out…


Frequent automatic restarts

The mobile phone will become more and more stuck after a long time of use, and sometimes it will even restart automatically when playing. But be wary of the fact that the phone restarts itself frequently when you don’t touch your phone.


3 mistakes when playing mobile,

Each one is deadly!

Play while charging

Playing games or watching dramas while charging is the daily habit of many people, but it may cause the mobile phone battery to discharge instantly and generate a large amount of current under special temperature, humidity and poor contact conditions. explode.

In addition to explosion, the risk of electric shock should not be underestimated. On August 16, 2019, in a restaurant in Nanchang City, a little boy was charging and playing with his mobile phone in his seat.

Suddenly the boy froze on the seat with his phone in hand. Although rushed to the hospital in time, the 13-year-old boy died two hours later. The rescue doctor recalled afterwards that said the boy had obvious signs of electric shock.

Phone charging by the bed

Why don’t you charge your phone by the bedside? The reason is very simple. There are many flammable items on the bed, and the consequences of an accident will be disastrous. The two life-and-death cases mentioned above are the best comparisons.

Playing with phone while walking

A woman in Nanjing was walking and playing with her mobile phone. She didn’t pay attention to the situation around her at all, and went straight into the three-dimensional garage.

The equipment to move the vehicle then started to operate, and the woman was struck by the oncoming vehicle, severely breaking her leg.

A woman was walking and playing with her head down when she was hit by an oncoming vehicle. Before the woman could react, she was crushed by a large truck on the opposite side…

Having said so much, I really hope everyone will take this as a warning. Don’t let the mobile phone that is supposed to bring us convenience become the devil that takes away our lives.