The management of the prevention area is moderately slack to ensure the orderly life of the citizens

From April 1st, Chongming District lifted the temporary blockade management and began to enter the stage of regional prevention and control. The reporter visited the area listed as the prevention area today. It maintains a relaxed and moderate management. While ensuring the normal living needs of citizens, it avoids crowds and builds a solid line of defense against the epidemic.

The eight fresh food supermarkets in Miao Town have all opened to ensure the daily fresh food shopping needs of residents when the bazaar is closed. When entering and leaving the supermarket, the place code is first.

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still severe, and people in the prevention area should not gather, so in addition to 8 supermarkets and 3 In addition to the normal operation of the pharmacy, all the shops in Temple Town are still closed.
Scan the code, measure the temperature, and complete the regular registration process before purchasing medicines on demand. In Miaozhen, where there are many elderly people, pharmacies are especially important for elderly residents.

In the villages, residents The “pass” is required to enter and exit the village house and the community. The pass is issued to the individual by each village, as the entry and exit certificate, and is checked by the volunteers and community staff at the entrance of the village and community. This is the case in the temple town, and other towns and towns in the prevention area are also So.

For staff who need to travel between towns, the towns and towns in the prevention area will issue travel certificates to facilitate the passage of personnel and assist in epidemic prevention work. To develop and address the urgent living needs of residents.

In order to strictly control the flow of people between regions, Township staff will also verify with the traveler’s work unit to ensure the necessity and authenticity of the trip.

The certificate can only be stamped after verification.

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Next, the towns and villages in the prevention areas will continue to strengthen management to ensure the living and work needs of citizens and avoid crowds. Build a strong line of defense against the epidemic.

Reporter: Liu Liming; Photographer: Huang Tianqi

Editor: Zhang Yueyang< /span>