The man was hallucinating after eating wild mushroom poisoning and insisted that he was normal

On June 9, according to a video report from Henan Metropolitan Channel, on June 8, a man in Yunnan was poisoned by wild mushrooms and was hospitalized. The hallucination has been chattering, and the eldest sister in the same ward has been laughing.

In the video, the man raised his hand and kept saying “Look at it”. The eldest sister in the same ward was laughing wildly next to her, and she kept beckoning, and the poisoning was even deeper.

The video shooter said: The two are in similar condition, but both said they were normal.

Reminder: When eating wild mushrooms, you must be vigilant to prevent poisoning!

According to statistics, in 2021, there will be more than 600 poisoning incidents caused by edible wild mushrooms in Yunnan Province, resulting in the poisoning of more than 2,000 people and the death of more than 20 people. The lesson is very painful!

Some time ago, a man in Chengdu found 6 white mushrooms in the back mountain of his home, and took them all home and fried them. The man began to suffer from severe vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms that night, and his liver function deteriorated rapidly after the third day of poisoning. It was only through the rescue of the medical staff that the difficulties were overcome. After a drug test, the man was eating deadly amanita mushrooms. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

It’s the mushroom-eating season again, reminding everyone not to pick, not purchase, process, or eat suspicious germs, and beware of poisoning by accidental ingestion.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Henan Metropolitan Channel, Changsha Radio and Television “Star Video”]

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