The man used too much force, the fan code “locked his throat”, the man shouted: horrified

Boiled rice noodles for dinner

“throated” by pig’s trotter bone

February At 7:30 pm on the 23rd

Mr. Zeng cooked a bowl of rice noodles for dinner at home

Just when the noodles were being cooked

accidentally A piece of pig’s trotter bone in the powder code was inhaled

stuck in the throat and was extremely uncomfortable

could not be removed after many attempts

emergency doctor arrived at the scene to understand the condition After

it was judged that Mr. Zeng might have airway obstruction

Heimlich manoeuvre was immediately performed on him



Doctor Preliminary judgment is

eating, airway mucosal injury

foreign body sensation is caused by esophagus injury

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Mr. Zeng once induced vomiting by himself

trying to remove the foreign body

many attempts No results

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On the way to the hospital

The emergency doctor continues to monitor Mr. Zeng’s condition< /p>

After arriving at the hospital

The doctor passed a thorough examination and it occurred

Mr. Zeng had a foreign body sensation in the throat

mainly due to esophageal injury

It usually heals itself

< p>

The doctor recommends a gastroscopy

to identify the location of the foreign body Location

Eat, eat slowly, don’t talk or laugh

Dr. Xiong said

If there is a foreign body stuck in the throat

According to the size and depth of the foreign body

Use tweezers to remove it, Heimlich First Aid

seek medical treatment in time, etc. How to deal with it

When eating

Don’t talk, laugh or joke

Be sure to chew slowly when you eat

Yes It should be chewed and then swallowed

Source: Mango City