The male “organ aging” sequence table is announced, take a self-assessment to see where you have progressed

Nowadays, people are worried about aging and disease, and the most worthy of mention is aging. This is because the aging of the body is the beginning of disease and the road to longevity for human beings. stumbling block.

Aging refers not only to getting older, but also to the organs and cells of the body. Later, various diseases also began to appear, such as osteoporosis, cerebral infarction, arteriosclerosis and so on.

As the age increases, the organs in the body age at different times, so for male friends, What is the sequence of organ aging? Now let’s learn this together.


Men’s “Organ Aging” Sequence List released, take a self-assessment to see where you have progressed

< strong>Brain (20 years old)

Compared with other organs of the human body, the aging of the brain is relatively early. After the age of 20, the brain begins to age. Before the age of 20, the brain will always be in a peak state, which can be seen from memory and attention.

Men’s brain memory declines when they are about 40 years old, so research shows that men’s brains are larger than women’s, but Cells died twice as fast as in women.

Skin (25)

When men are around 25 years old, their skin begins to age, and the collagen on the face will decrease, which also means that the skin starts to age, and the elasticity of the skin will deteriorate, and crow’s feet and nasolabial lines will grow on the face. If you want to delay the aging of the skin, then you must pay attention to maintenance in your daily life, and you must do a good job of sun protection all year round.

Muscle (30 years old)

Muscles have been in a cycle of growth and failure. After the age of 30, the rate of muscle failure will exceed the growth rate. After the age of 40, the muscle will decrease at a rate of 0.5% to 2% per year.

If you want to delay muscle aging, you need to exercise more. Exercise can stimulate muscle cells to maintain protein levels, and you can also add more protein to avoid accelerated muscle loss. .

Hair (35)

Hair needs the intake of various trace elements such as melanin, vitamins, zinc, etc. If the hair follicles are damaged, it will induce different degrees of hair loss.

When men are around 35 years old, the hair follicles will be in a state of decline, because the hair follicles do not receive sufficient nutrients and vitamins and blood supply, melanin and melatonin also There will be a drop, leading to the growth of white hair or even baldness.

Bone (42)

Compared with men, women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. This is because the secretion of estrogen in the body decreases after menopause, which induces a large loss of calcium.

Men will not age until they are around 42 years old. To prevent the form of bone ageing, it is necessary to supplement calcium and exercise more.


face For aging, how can men “restore” their health? Two parts can be massaged

Most men are the backbone of the family and need to take on the heavy responsibility of the family. If men do not want to have bowel movements in their 40s For problems such as smoothness, baldness, etc., it is necessary to massage these two parts of the body more.

Waist Massage

Men’s waist has a lot of meridians gathered, and there are many acupoints, which have certain benefits for tonifying the kidney. Massage the Shenshu and Mingmen points on the waist can help dredge the meridians in the human body, and can also strengthen the kidney and strengthen the kidney. effect.

First, rub your hands to warm up, then use your palms to rub these two acupoints with your elbows as the center, which is very suitable for long-term sitting Men who do not exercise.

Press and massage the soles of the feet

Traditional Chinese Medicine It is believed that the feet are the second part of the human body, and the heart has many acupoints on the soles of our feet. If men feel that the stomach and intestines are not well digested, often constipated, and indigestion, they can massage the Yongquan acupoint on the soles of the feet.

If a man suffers from weakness, palpitation, shortness of breath and other problems of weakened heart function, he can massage Neiguan and Tongli points, which can play The effect of tranquility and tranquility. Soak your feet with hot water before going to bed at night, and then massage the soles of your feet after soaking your feet, which can promote the health of your body.

Actually aging is not scary, the scary thing is not to face aging, don’t face aging with a positive attitude, otherwise it will only accelerate the speed of aging. Organs bring bad influence.

If you want to be healthy and function normally, you must develop some good habits, such as going to bed early and getting up early to keep healthy Diet, etc., these good habits can delay the speed of aging.
