The magic acupoints on the hands to lose weight and remove dampness

Today I will tell you about a wrist bone acupoint, which is also an acupoint of the small intestine meridian. The small intestine meridian can relax the tendons and activate the collaterals, relieve cervical spine, stiff neck, headache, shoulder and back pain, and hypochondral pain. It is also a key point for weight loss.

The wrist bone acupoint can not only lose weight but also remove dampness. The wrist bone acupoint can control our appetite, improve our metabolic rate, and can also relax the meridians, dispel dampness and remove turbidity.

The carpal bone point is located at the junction of the red and white flesh at the midpoint of the connection between the base of the fifth metacarpal bone and the triangular bone.Pressing with the pulp of the thumb will produce acid Feeling of swelling, this is the wrist bone point. When massaging the wrist bone point, you should pay attention to it, and it is enough. Massage for 5 minutes each time, twice a day.

If you feel that there is damp heat in your body and rheumatism, moxibustion at the wrist bone point will also be very effective. The wrist bone acupoint is used to remove dampness by Tongli, so its weight loss and dampness removal effect is very good, but it does not have any side effects.