The longer the shelf life of milk, the more preservatives? 3 misunderstandings about drinking milk, try to avoid


Affectionately called by Westerners

“human’s nanny”

It is rich in nearly a hundred kinds of nutrients:

protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

< p>A mouthful of milk (25ml)

30% of the recommended daily calcium intake

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But in China

Everyone’s relationship with milk

It seems less harmonious

One questioning

“Because of lactose intolerance,

90% of Chinese people are not suitable for drinking milk”< /span>

Most puzzling

So is the above conclusion scientific?

What should I pay attention to about drinking milk?

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suffice to say

Lactose intolerance

usuallylactase deficiency< span>people

One is because of intestinal disease

such as viral enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease

resulting in a decrease in the ability of the gut to break down and digest span>

causing lactose intolerance

this is commonly calledsecondary lactose intolerance

In addition, Also congenital lactose intolerance

small intestine lacks the ability to synthesize lactase

But this typerare

mostly genetic< /p>

While in China

most people belong to Adult-onset lactose intolerance

appears with age

< p> or different eating habits

causing lactasereduced activityuntil it disappears< /p>

Scientific American study shows

Because of the lack of lactase

The proportion of Chinese people who are lactose intolerant is as high as 93%

But there is one thing to note Yes

lactose intolerance≠cannot drink milk

lactose sensitive people< /span>

Try the following to relieve symptoms

< span>If lactose intolerance is severe

additional probiotics, lactase

Frequently asked questions about milk

1. Is Fat Milk Healthier?

Skimmed milk is milk with <0.5% fat content

Compared to whole milk

only a few grams less fat

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and skim milk also lost

< p>Some fat-soluble vitamins

eg vitamins A, D, E, K

Integrated nutrition and health perspective

whole milk is more recommended

2. Milk with different sterilization methods have the same nutritional value?

Compared to pasteurized milk

pasteurized milk

Higher nutrition

because of pasteurization low temperature and short time

nutrition loss will be less

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3. Is the shelf life long due to the addition of preservatives?

The shelf life of some milks

can be as long as 1-2 years

Therefore some people will worry about whether preservatives are put in.

But in fact this is the credit of high temperature disinfection

< span>Not a dime related to preservatives

#Health 2022# #Yao Zero ZeroProgram#


[1]Kretchmer N. Lactose and lactase [J]. Scientific American, 1972, 227(4):71-78.

[2] Yin Ye. The Benefits of Drinking Milk “The Code of Life: Your First Genetic Science Book”

[3] Zhang Chen, Zheng Zhongwen, Bu Xiaoling, Analysis of clinical characteristics of lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance symptoms [J]. Modern Digestive and Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment, 2021, 26(2): 177-181. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2159.2021.02.007.

[4] Improvement plan for lactose intolerance [J]. Food and Health, 2022, 34(1): Seal 2.