The life-long essence of old Chinese medicine: Chinese medicine health preservation is “jumping”, very practical, it is recommended to collect

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, from the legendary Fuxi, Shennong’s tasting of herbs, acupuncture, and decoction to Zhang Zhongjing’s diligently seeking ancient teachings , learn from all prescriptions, and Sun Simiao’s diligence, sincerity of great doctors, and even the excellence of modern Chinese medicine doctors.

The development of traditional Chinese medicine can flourish. Inheritance, enduring for a long time, how many lives have been saved, and how many people can be free from pain?

Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural therapy. Improve the vitality of the body, let the body use its own ability to eliminate diseases.

Why is TCM so effective in treating diseases, because TCM treats people while modern medicine treats people disease. Because of this, Chinese medicine pays more attention to the physical condition of the patient, that is, the condition of righteous qi. No matter what the disease is, if the human body’s own righteous qi is still sufficient at this time, as long as the evil qi is driven out, the disease will be cured.

Although there are many benefits of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases, there are many kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. It is very likely that the wrong medicine is used, which may cause some side effects in the body. Today, the doctor will share some of the corresponding symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine for you to help you better understand.

The essence of the life of an old Chinese medicine: Chinese medicine is “smoothing”, very practical, it is recommended to collect

There are some precautions when drinking Chinese medicine, which need to be kept in mind

First, you can’t blindly take Chinese medicine, you can’t just find prescriptions and drink Chinese medicine, you must obey Guidance and advice from professional physicians.

Second, it is necessary to understand the mutual growth and mutual restraint between traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the mutual generation and mutual restraint between traditional Chinese medicine and food, Avoid affecting the performance of the medicine.

Thirdly, do not drink strong tea when drinking traditional Chinese medicine, so as not to affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Fourth, although Chinese medicine is bitter, sugar cannot be added, because adding sugar will affect the efficacy of Chinese medicine.