The latest publicity Jiugongge National TB prevention and control publicity ambassadors are on the battlefield!

Kang Hui

Tuberculosis spreads through the respiratory tract, and everyone can be infected.

Jin Dong

Cough and expectoration of sputum for more than 2 weeks, should be suspected of having tuberculosis, and should go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Chang Yuan

The first discovery is the best time for treatment, and it must be treated strictly according to the doctor’s order.

Ma Sichun

Without adherence to treatment, common TB can become stubborn, drug-resistant TB.


Drug-resistant tuberculosis is difficult to treat, and it is also drug-resistant tuberculosis after infecting others.

Jing Liu

Don’t panic if you have tuberculosis, it is possible to cure by standardizing the whole process of treatment.

White Rock Pine

Ending TB requires controlling latent TB infection.


Elderly people and people with low immunity are high-risk groups of tuberculosis and should be checked actively.

Pu Cunxin

A tuberculosis test is required for incoming freshmen and new employees.

Jiang Wenli

Wash your hands frequently, ventilate more, don’t get together, and wear a mask to prevent respiratory infections.

Be strong

Do not spit, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, civilized and disease-proof.

Source || China CDC News