The latest official release is here! 10 eating suggestions that are more suitable for Chinese people, hurry up and learn

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents is updated! The last update was in 2016. The original intention of the dietary guidelines is to guide more people to eat well. After all, the cost of the body is inseparable from eating.

This update highlights a way of eating that is more suitable for Chinese people – the “Oriental Healthy Meal Pattern” with Chinese characteristics.

Picture source: Chinese nutrition community >

What adjustments have been made to the latest dietary guidelines for 2022? What does a Chinese diet look like? Let’s take a look.

What changes have been made to the latest dietary guidelines?

Compared to the 2016 Dietary Guidelines, the latest version of the Dietary Guidelines makes these adjustments:

The green and red fonts are adjusted content

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The green font is new content

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Image source: I made it by myself

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, let’s just draw some key points for you:

➊ Recommended salt intake continues to decline from less than 6 grams per day to less than 5 grams per day;

➋ Dairy recommendations Drink more, from the original 300 grams to 300-500 grams, that is, drink more than 300 grams;

➌ It is clearly stated that the meat you eat should contain water products, and it is recommended to eat an egg a day and aquatic products at least 2 times a week.

Completely, the food pagoda presents a diet suitable for Chinese people:

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” 2022 Edition

Click to enlarge

Photo source: Chinese Residents’ Diet Guidelines 2022 Edition – China Good Nutrition Public Account

Do you think the eating method on this picture is a bit similar?

I eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. I also often eat fish and shrimp and other aquatic products, soybean products and milk. I also make good use of steaming, boiling, and blanching. The cooking method with less oil and less salt

——This is the typical dietary pattern in the southeast coastal areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Fujian (exaggerated).

Experts said that these dietary habits are very good. Correspondingly, residents in these areas have lower incidence and mortality rates of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and have lower life expectancy. relatively high.

Therefore, the dietary guidelines propose that the dietary pattern along the southeast coast represents my country’s “Oriental healthy dietary pattern”. promotion.

However, some people may say, what should I do when it comes to how to eat healthier every day? Don’t worry, combined with the experience of the dietary pagoda and daily diet, I have compiled 10 dietary suggestions for everyone to learn.

Chinese Diet


You can eat like this (tutorial)

➊ Be sure to eat the main food , eat more whole grains.

Staple food is not only the main source of energy, but also many good things that the body needs, such as protein, vitamin B family, dietary fiber, etc. .

However, in the common polished rice and white noodles, a lot of these good things are lost during the finishing process, so refined carbohydrates (white rice, bread, etc.) can be appropriately reduced.

Daily staple foodAt least 1/4 of the rice should be replaced with whole grains (brown rice, oats, etc.) and mixed beans (red beans, mung beans, etc.), a simple adjustment is to replace half or at least 1/4 of a bowl of rice with whole grains and mixed beans and cook them together .

Photo source: 2016 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents


In addition, you should also eat potatoes, 1 to 2 taels a day, about a small bowl of potatoes or half a sweet potato, which can be eaten for breakfast or with other staple foods.

➋ Eat more vegetables, one pound a day is not an exaggeration.

Chinese vegetables are rich in variety and cooking methods are diverse, which is a great advantage in healthy diet and should be brought into full play. Eat at least 300 grams a day, a pound a day is the best.

Green leafy vegetables and dark vegetables can be eaten together. It is better to try half a catty meal, which is 2 small bowls of vegetables after cooking. The common Shanghai green, the larger two are half a catty, don’t be afraid to eat enough.

Photo source: 2016 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents

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In addition, from a blood sugar friendly point of view, you can eat vegetables first and then meat and rice, which can make blood sugar more stable.

➌ Eat more fruits of various varieties, half a catty per day.

Fruits are sweet and sour and rich in vitamins. You can eat seasonal fruits in different ways every season. almost.

The recommended amount in the dietary guidelines is between 200 and 350 grams, which is simply 2 fists for a small girl, or 1 fist for a tall boy amount.

A large apple is enough for 200 grams, how many other fruits should I eat? See the figure below for an approximate reference.

Image source: Homemade

➍ Drink enough every day, Milk is best a pound a day.

Dairy products contain high-quality protein and rich calcium. It is best to drink a cup of milk + a cup of yogurt every day, that is, at least 300 ml a day of liquid milk.

If you can, add some other dairy products, such as cheese, etc. If you have the habit of drinking coffee, you can also add a cup of latte with milk in the middle to increase the intake of milk. input.

If you are lactose intolerant, you can try yogurt or choose a lactose-free product.

Note that soy milk (and various plant-based milks, such as oat milk), while good, is not a substitute for cow’s milk.

In addition, those who love to drink milk should also hold it for a while. If it exceeds 500 grams, they should pay attention and change to skim or low-fat. Well, after all, the fat inside is also solid.

➎ Eat meat in moderation and eat aquatic products at least twice a week.

The new version of the guidelines classifies livestock and poultry meat, aquatic products and eggs in the category of “animal food” (120-200 per day). Grams), which is more convenient for everyone to remember, and emphasizes that fish and other aquatic products are preferred as protein sources.

We eat a lot of poultry and livestock meat every day, but from a health perspective, it is recommended not to exceed one pound a week, about 70 grams a day, about the size of a palm is a day Measured.

Deeply processed meat products such as smoked and preserved products will greatly increase the risk of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer, and it is better to eat less.

Fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish and other aquatic products have lower fat content and more unsaturated fatty acids, which have a certain effect on the prevention of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to eat at least 2 times a week, or eat a total of 300-500 grams.

➏ An egg a day is fine.

Many people believe that eating egg yolks will cause our cholesterol intake to be too high. egg.

Actually, healthy people don’t need to pay too much attention to their dietary cholesterol intake, and there is no evidence that eating too much cholesterol will cause high blood lipids or heart disease.

As a supplement to animal meat, one egg a day is good, and the egg yolk is very nutritious, so don’t throw it away.

Image source: My own

➐ Still have a handful of nuts a day.

The nutrition of nuts is really good, rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, as well as protein, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. And the nuts are also delicious, and it is convenient to eat one by one.

But the fly in the ointment is that it’s easy to eat too much… The fat content of nuts is too high. Taking the common peanut and melon seeds as an example, the fat content can reach more than 40%, which is almost a mouthful of nuts and half a mouthful of oil. Let’s just say that the advantages cannot be lost and the disadvantages must be avoided, so eat with restraint.

I have not seen the latest 2022 recommendations, but it is mentioned that there are 25 to 35 grams of soybeans and nuts per day, which is consistent with the 2016 version. It is almost a handful of shelled melon seeds.

Grab a handful of melon seeds and nibble slowly~

Lilac Life Research Institute

➑ Drink plenty of water, 1500-1700 ml of water every day.

In fact, it is not difficult to drink enough water for a day, especially for people who want to lose weight (the rate of overweight and obesity in adults has exceeded 50%). %), there is a recommended water drinking method “53535”, which can guarantee the amount of water you drink for a day.

a paper cup of water about 200~300 ml of water About 500 ml

Image source: I made it myself

Of course, the most important thing is to listen to your body. You can replenish the required water in time depending on the sweating situation, so you don’t have to be too rigid about when to drink it.

In addition, you can simply judge by the color of your urine whether you are drinking enough water, light yellow urine is normal, and yellowish urine means your water I really don’t have enough, so make up quickly.

➒ Reduce oil and salt and reduce again.

As a necessity for daily cooking, the intake of oil and salt in China is currently exceeding the standard.

Take oil as an example, in 2017, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention disclosed that the amount of edible oil in Chinese households was as high as 42.1 grams per person per day, and 80% of households exceeded the standard.

How much should I recommend?

Salt is reduced to less than 5 grams per day, oil is recommended to be 25-30 grams (about 3 tablespoons), and some small tools can be added in daily life, such as replacing salt Go low in sodium, or start with a salt-restricted spoon and a well-marked oiler.

A tablespoon of oil is about 10 grams

Image source: Bug ideas

In addition to visible salt and oil, some dishes and snacks also require a lot of salt.

Although it is a bit difficult, but gradually changing will always get closer and closer to the recommended value of health, which is closer to health.

➓ If you want to drink wine, you don’t drink it, and you can eat added sugar without eating it.

In the food pagoda, alcohol and added sugar are not to be seen. Because from a health point of view, the optimal amount of alcohol consumption is 0, and added sugar is also a nutrient that our body does not need at all.

But considering that in real life, alcohol and sugar are not at all, it may be a bit difficult for many people.

For these two restrictive foods, the guidelines also give advice on the amount of sugar: less than 50 grams of sugar per day, it is best to reduce it to less than 25 grams; and The alcohol limit has also been lowered from 25 grams to 15 grams, which is the amount of a can of beer or a small glass of red wine.

But we still want to emphasize that for health, if you can quit these two things, you can quit both.

Image source: Graphworm Creative >

Finally, when we emphasize good eating patterns, the most important thing is balance.

Don’t worry too much about what to eat or not to eat, and don’t worry about whether you have eaten enough for the day. The point is that the overall mix is ​​reasonable and eat everything. p>

A good eating habit is only what you can stick to. Friends who have learned it quickly like it and forward it to your family and friends.


Review experts for this article

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Minjie Xu

Master of Nutrition

SUNY Buffalo


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Planning: Murphy, April | Producer: Feidi

Source of cover image: Zhanku Hailuo

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