The latest guide to 8 ways to lose weight, which one is best for you?

Today is the World Anti-Obesity Day recognized by the World Health Organization. Chinese people must work hard to prevent obesity. After all, more than half of us are adults. All are overweight.

This article will explain in detail the latest weight loss guide so far, which is the “China Overweight/Obesity Medical Nutrition Treatment Guide (2021)”, which mentions 8 weight loss methods , Teacher Gu most recommends 4 of them, come and see which one is more suitable for you.

One, Energy Restricted Diet (CRD)

A growing body of research shows that this approach is an effective weight management method that can reduce body weight and body fat in obese individuals, which in turn can reduce inflammation and cardiovascular disease. disease risk.

How to implement it?

There are 2 criteria for energy intake:

1. 1200-1400 kcal/day for men and 1000-1200 kcal/day for women.

2. The energy is reduced by 1/3 compared to the recommended intake. For white-collar women and men with little physical activity, it is 600 kcal/day and 750 kcal/day respectively. That is, 1200 kcal/day for women and 1500 kcal/day for men.

In addition to energy intake, the energy supply ratio of carbohydrates is also required to be 55% to 60%, and the energy supply ratio of fat is 25% to 30%. This energy supply ratio does not require strict control of staple food, and also You don’t have to cook the dishes without oil, and of course you can eat meat, eggs, milk and beans. From the perspective of dietary structure, it is still very well implemented.

It is just the recommended energy intake, which may be too little for many friends, so that the hunger will be more obvious and it is not easy to stick to it.

I also recommend that everyone refer to the recommendations of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” to limit energy, that is, reduce the intake of 300-500 kcal per day. This is also the guide for many people to lose weight. time practical experience.

Eat less than 300 kcal per day (1500 kcal for women, 1950 kcal for boys), and then exercise to consume 200 kcal (about 8000 brisk steps), feeling hungry It is not obvious that it is easy to persist, and the weight loss effect is also good, and you can lose 1 catties in a week.

How much is 300 kcal? It is about 10 grams of oil + 1 bowl of rice, as shown in the picture.

▲Picture: 4.5-inch ordinary rice bowl 8 points full of 130 grams of rice

Like take-out food, it’s oily, just rinse it with water and eat it, 10 grams of oil will be controlled.

As for 1 bowl of rice, it is actually not difficult, because whether it is box lunch, rice bowl, noodles, cold skin, the amount is actually too large for friends who are losing weight. Eat half or 1/3 less, which is probably equivalent to a bowl of rice.

Second, high protein diet

Multiple studies have shown that a high-protein diet can reduce weight, and can reduce the waist circumference more than a regular diet, which is beneficial to control blood sugar and improve blood lipids.

How much protein should I consume in a high-protein diet?

Protein to energy ratio higher than 20% or 1.5g protein per kilogram body weight/day, but protein energy supply ratio should not exceed 30% or >2g per kilogram weight/day.

As mentioned above, for most women, the daily intake of 1500 kcal of hunger will not be obvious, so stick to it. If 20% of 1500 kcal is provided by protein, corresponding protein is 75 grams, you need to eat enough food in the table below every day.

The following is a photo taken by Mr. Gu who specially weighed the ingredients, so you can more intuitively feel the approximate amount.

When it comes to high-protein diets, many people may think that they need to eat several eggs a day and half a catty of meat. In fact, this is not the case. 1500 kcal of high protein a day is enough to eat The above foods are enough. Eating too much will increase the burden on the liver and kidney, so it is not recommended.

In addition, a high-protein diet should preferably not exceed six months, not suitable for pregnant women, children, adolescents, the elderly and those with abnormal renal function.


3. Low-carb diets (LCDs)

In recent years, more and more studies have reported that the short-term use of low-carb diets has a significant weight loss effect, but the long-term safety and effectiveness still need further research, so long-term is not recommended. Use .

Low-carb diet refers to a type of diet with a carbohydrate-to-water energy supply ratio of ≤40%, a fat-to-energy supply ratio of ≥30%, a relative increase in protein intake, and limited or unrestricted total energy intake , when the carbohydrate-to-energy ratio is ≤20%, it is a very low-carbohydrate diet (VLCDs), and the carbohydrate-to-energy ratio ketogenic diet is the most extreme type of low-carb diet.

For the energy of 1500 kcal, the energy supply ratio of carbohydrates is ≤40%, and the carbohydrates must be controlled within 150 grams.

3 small bowls of rice + 300 ml of milk + 1 catty of vegetables + 25 grams of soybeans (100 grams of northern tofu), the carbohydrates are basically 150 grams, If you want to eat fruit, the amount of rice has to be reduced, which is a nightmare for many friends who love to eat carbohydrates.

▲Picture: Food with about 150 grams of carbohydrates

If the carbohydrates are controlled to the level of ketosis, the staple food and fruit should not be eaten at all, and milk should be avoided as much as possible. The dishes should only choose dishes with low carbohydrate content, and eat out, even if it is starch. Thickened vegetables are also not edible.

In this way, the variety of food is too limited, let alone three or two months, it is estimated that it will be difficult to adhere to for a week or two, and this extreme diet will also have various Complications, so the guideline recommends:

In the case of full consideration of safety, after trying other weight loss diet patterns that are ineffective, short-term attempts under the guidance of clinical nutritionists, except monitoring blood ketones, but also monitor liver and kidney function, changes in body composition, and pay close attention to blood lipid levels.

IV. Intermittent Energy Restriction (IER)

A systematic review found that this approach was as effective in losing weight as the non-fasting method.

Intermittent energy restriction, also known as intermittent fasting, refers to a dietary pattern of fasting for a certain period of time or consuming limited energy according to certain rules.

Common alternate-day eating, 4:3 or 5:2 fasting (i.e. fasting 2-3 days a week), with a maximum of 1/4 of a normal day when fasting Energy, for example, white-collar women need 1,800 kcal per day, while fasting can only consume up to 450 kcal per day, which is almost the energy of a girl’s breakfast. For example: 130 grams of rice + 1 egg + 1 box of 250ml milk + 1 250g tomato, as shown in the picture.

▲Picture: A meal with about 450 kcal energy

However, if you only eat so much a day, many people may not be able to support it if it is a working day. If it is a rest day, there is no temptation from relatives and friends, and there is not much activity, so stay at home. It is estimated that you can survive it, but you have to clean up all the food that can be directly imported at home, so as not to be overwhelmed and then eat wildly.

Considering that it has no special advantages in weight loss, I personally do not recommend this method very much. Moreover, this method is not suitable for pregnant women, children, and needs to be carried out under the guidance of a nutritionist for more than 2 months.

5. Low glycemic index (GI) diet

Studies show that a low-GI diet that restricts energy can lead to weight loss, and that the short-term results are better than a high-GI diet.

How to eat?

Don’t look at the GI table and only choose low-GI foods to eat. Remember that polished rice, white noodles and various foods containing added sugars tend to have high GIs, so try not to eat added sugars.

The main meal of the main meal is matched in thickness and about 1-2 fists, and another meal is matched with 1-2 fists of vegetables (except starchy vegetables), 1 fist of protein, so that the whole meal A low GI can be achieved.

As for snacks, choose apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, kiwi fruit, grapefruit, oranges, dates and other low-GI fruits, and each snack should be controlled within 200 grams. .

Eat this way not only to lose weight, but also to control blood sugar. In addition, eat more whole grains and vegetables, and also consume more B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. Whether to lose weight or not, it is a recommended way to eat.

Six, DASH diet (DASH diet)

Compared to a regular diet, the Dexure diet can effectively reduce weight and body fat.

How to eat? The principles are as follows:

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits to increase the intake of potassium and magnesium.

2. Choose low-fat (or skim) milk to increase calcium intake while controlling saturated fatty acids.

3. Eat nuts and beans in moderation to increase magnesium and calcium intake.

4. Eat more whole grains and less polished rice and flour.

5. Eat poultry, aquatic products, eggs, and red meat in moderation to obtain high-quality protein and control saturated fatty acid intake.

6. Strictly control sugar and sodium.

This is actually similar to the recommendation of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, but the Deshu Diet emphasizes:

Choose low-fat or skim milk, if we all drink 2 packs of milk a day. Teacher Gu also recommends choosing low-fat or fat-free ones, which can not only reduce energy intake but also reduce saturated fatty acid intake.

Seven, the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diets are more effective for weight loss than regular diets and are great for women with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and postpartum weight loss.

How to eat?

There are 2 points that we should focus on adjusting

1. Olive oil is mainly used for cooking oil.

2. Eat red meat only occasionally, such as several times a month.

Others are similar to those recommended by the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, such as:

Each meal consists of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, nuts

Eat seafood at least twice a week

Poultry, eggs, and milk in moderation

Eighth, meal replacement food to lose weight

Short-term use of meal replacement foods for weight loss is safe, with few serious adverse reactions and good tolerance, but long-term safety remains to be further studied.

Start by selecting meal replacements that meet group standard T/CNSS 002-2019. Secondly, it is recommended to replace only one meal a day, or occasionally use a meal replacement when it is too late to eat.

This is because after the meal replacement powder is brewed, the feeling of drinking it after a few sips is really not as delicious as a normal meal. It is enough to replace one meal a day. Who can take it? It is really admirable to replace two meals a day.

I still have more than 20 bags of meal replacements sitting there at home, and I would rather be hungry than drink it when I have nothing to eat.


Mediterranean Diet and Deshu Diet has been selected as the No. 1 and No. 2 diet by the US News Network for many years, and it is especially recommended. High protein diet, Low GI diet is also recommended.

As for the energy-restricted diet, it is recommended that the energy restriction is not so strict, and it is better to lose 500 kcal a day. For meal replacements, it is recommended to use it at most once a day or occasionally. As for low-carb diets and intermittent fasting, Mr. Gu is the least recommended.

Today’s Interaction: Let’s talk about weight loss.