The latest cancer data is released, and more than 11,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day. How to prevent it?

The mention of cancer is always scary. A single person diagnosed with cancer can do a lot of damage to a family. And this may be happening in many families. According to the news released by the National Cancer Center, the incidence of cancer in my country has been increasing.

The latest cancer data released, how much do you know?

The National Cancer Center conducted a national cancer data survey in 2016, covering about 389 million people, and obtained some Data may help people understand cancer better.

First, in terms of incidence rates, In 2016, there were 4.06 million new cancer patients in my country, and more than 11,000 people were diagnosed with cancer every day. And 2.41 million people died from cancer. This data also showed a gradual upward trend.

Secondly,the incidence of cancer is higher in certain age groups strong>. The highest number of cancers occurred between the ages of 50 and 54 and between the ages of 60 and 64, and the highest number of deaths occurred between the ages of 60 and 64, and between the ages of 75 and 79. It can be seen that cancer is indeed a “senile disease”.

Also, the most common cancer in our country is breast cancer< /strong>, lung cancer, liver cancer< span>, Stomach cancer, and Colorectal cancer , more than half of the total cancer patients. If the prevalence of these cancers can be reduced, I believe it will also be of great help in reducing the overall risk of cancer.

Cancer is difficult to reverse, but can be prevented early

For health, the appearance of cancer may lead to the continuous destruction of organs and tissues in the human body by cancer cells, which is more likely to induce serious lesions. Moreover, if you want to completely cure cancer, you will also face great difficulties due to the continuous proliferation of cancer cells and their strong concealment.

To be honest, it is difficult to reverse cancer after it is diagnosed, but if you can prevent cancer in advance, stay away from some easily induced cancers. Cancer factors, may be able to better protect health. Here are four main points. If you can do it, your health will be more secure.

Diet away from carcinogens and avoid “cancer through the mouth”

Nitrite, benzopyrene, alcohol, aflatoxin, betel nut, etc. are all typical carcinogens. When people like to eat barbecue, fried food, alcohol, moldy food, etc. When it comes to food, preserved foods, and processed meats, it’s possible to take health risks. The carcinogens in these foods may increase the risk of diseases such as cancer of the human digestive system.

Not only that, but food and hot water with temperatures above 65°C may also be a health threat. The WHO clearly pointed out that tea and food with a temperature exceeding 65°C may damage the esophageal mucosa and increase the risk of causing cancer. In my country, Chaoshan and other places also have the habit of drinking kung fu tea, and it is recommended that people correct it as soon as possible.

Learn to manage your weight and prevent obesity strong>

The risk of developing colorectal cancer and other diseases also increases for obese people. Obesity can lead to abnormal blood sugar, blood lipids and other indicators in the human body. Studies have shown that obesity is positively correlated with the risk of colorectal cancer. If you can control your weight in time, I believe you can also reduce the risk of some cancers.

The third point is not to sit for long periods of time

Lack of exercise and sitting for a long time may lead to the inability to excrete metabolic wastes in the human body in time, which not only easily induces fat accumulation, but also may cause metabolic disorders and other problems. Ensuring that more than 150 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity exercise per week can help the body metabolize, digest and decompose food, and discharge metabolic waste. Reduce metabolic wasteInjury to the human body is not easy to induce some inflammatory reactions.

The last point is ignored by many Chinese,< span>Regular cancer screening

Mentioning this point, many people said that they have begun to attach importance to annual physical examination . But the test results are normal, why does it still induce cancer? The problem may be choosing the wrong cancer screening program. Routine physical examinations are mainly for physical examination and some chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Simple B-ultrasound and X-rays are also difficult to detect lesions in the body. To screen for cancer, more targeted programs are needed.

For the 4 types of cancer with high incidence, share the screening methods that suit you, and collect suggestions if you need them.

Stomach cancerScreening needsdo Gastroscopy, which can visually see gastric lesions; screening for colorectal cancer also requires colonoscopy , through the colonoscopy to know whether there are abnormal changes in the intestinal mucosa, and can also collect samples for further examination when necessary.

ForLiver Cancer Screening, in addition to In addition to the routine liver B-ultrasound, the five items of hepatitis B and liver function tests can also be carried out in combination with the actual situation of the patient. It can also comprehensively understand the condition of the liver and screen for liver cancer.

There is also a relatively high incidence oflung cancer , the resolution of X-ray examination is relatively low, and the detection rate is relatively low, it is recommended to choose CT examination, especially for long-term smoking, age Patients over the age of 50 and those with existing lung diseases, pulmonary nodules and other diseases should have regular low-dose helical CT examinations, Screening for lung cancer.

The publication of cancer data has made many people intuitively see the horror of cancer. But it is not invincible. Being able to prevent cancer in advance and detect cancer through early screening and receive treatment can also help protect health to some extent.


1. The National Cancer Report is re-issued after 3 years Update: More than 10,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day! The key to prevent these types of cancer · Health Times · 2022-03-10

2. Cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2016

3. ​​The latest cancer report in China: more than 10,000 people are diagnosed every day ! Making these changes can reduce cancer risk · · 2022-04-02