The latest announcement from Anhui Health and Health Commission: 2+5! Case situation announcement

From 0-24:00 on March 15, 2022, Anhui Province reported 2 new confirmed cases (including 1 in Tongguan District, Tongling City, and 1 case in Hanshan County, Ma’anshan City), no new suspected cases, and no new cases. 5 cases were infected with symptoms (including 2 cases in Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City, 1 case in Yushan District, and 2 cases in Si County, Suzhou City).

As of 24:00 on March 15, Anhui Province has reported a total of 1,005 local confirmed cases, and 3 cases are currently being treated in the hospital (including 1 case in Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City, 1 case in Hanshan County, Tongling City Tongguan A total of 996 cases have been cured and discharged from the hospital; 15 imported confirmed cases have been reported, 7 cases have been cured and discharged, and 8 cases have been treated in the hospital; a total of 36,758 people have been reported for medical observation, and 2,269 are close contacts who are still under medical observation.

As of 24:00 on March 15, there were 21 cases of asymptomatic infections still under medical observation in Anhui Province (including 1 case imported from abroad, 1 case in Yingjiang District, Anqing City, 3 cases in Si County, Suzhou City, 1 case in Yongqiao District, 1 case in Nanqiao District, Chuzhou City, 1 case in Mengcheng County, Bozhou City, 8 cases in Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City, 3 cases in Huashan District, 1 case in Yushan District, and 1 case in Tongguan District, Tongling City).

Introduction to the newly confirmed cases on March 15:

Confirmed case 1 (Tongguan District, Tongling City): Female, 37 years old, from Tongguan District, Tongling. On March 15, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed by the review and expert group.

Confirmed Case 2 (Hanshan County, Ma’anshan City): Female, 59 years old, from Hanshan, Ma’anshan. On March 15, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed by the review and expert group.

Introduction to the new asymptomatic infection on March 15:

Asymptomatic infection 1 (Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City): male, 52 years old, from Dangtu, Ma’anshan. On March 15, after review and the expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic infected person 2 (Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City): Female, 89 years old, from Dangtu, Ma’anshan. On March 15, after review and the expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic infected person 3 (Yushan District, Ma’anshan City): male, 59 years old, from Yushan District, Ma’anshan. On March 15, after review and the expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic infected person 4 (Sixian, Suzhou): male, 71 years old, from Sixian, Suzhou. On March 15, after review and the expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic infected person 5 (Sixian, Suzhou): Female, 37 years old, from Sixian, Suzhou. On March 15, after review and the expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection.

At present, various epidemic prevention and control work is being carried out in a standardized and orderly manner.

From: Healthy Anhui

Source: ZhongAn Online