The Lancet: The Mediterranean diet reduces severe disease by another 28%! 9 types of food recommended by China and the United States

A diet plan is beneficial to health. This diet plan has been repeatedly mentioned in the dietary and disease prevention guidelines of the United States, China, Europe and other countries, so this diet plan must have its own uniqueness . Today we are going to introduce to you a diet plan that can really improve our physical health – the Mediterranean diet plan. Friends who are concerned about health and diet knowledge, this article must be read.

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet plan, generally refers to a diet plan of southern European countries along the Mediterranean coast, such as Greece, Spain, France and southern Italy. Why is the diet in this region better? Mainly because Europeans found that people in this region had a lower incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so they traced the source and found that their diet structure was more reasonable. Their diet is based on fresh vegetables and fruits, sea fish, whole grains, nuts, beans and olive oil. They rarely fry and fry when cooking, and use olive oil instead of animal oil and margarine. According to research, the fat in the Mediterranean diet accounts for about 35% of the total energy, of which saturated fatty acids (the oil of pigs, cattle and sheep are saturated fatty acids) are only less than 9%. #HealthTrue Knowledge Program#

Mediterranean diet also includes meat

As a result, many scientific research institutions have conducted research on this diet. With the deepening of research, people are surprised to find that people who follow the Mediterranean diet have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease. probability is lower. As a result, people gradually realized that the Mediterranean diet is a healthy way of eating. Both the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommend the Mediterranean diet as a diet for preventing cardiovascular disease. New research recently published in the prestigious journal The Lancet even points out that a Mediterranean diet is more effective in improving health than a low-fat diet, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by a further 24.7-28.1%. It is also pointed out that the effect of this improvement is more obvious in men, and the incidence of cardiovascular disease in men can be reduced by 33.1%.

This article by The Lancet

In short, according to the existing knowledge of human beings, the Mediterranean diet pattern is indeed a relatively good dietary pattern, especially for those patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and high-risk groups, it is an alternative eating patterns. However, there is an unavoidable big problem with Chinese eating the Mediterranean diet, that is, it is difficult to stick to its taste and cooking style. Especially the Chinese grew up eating well-cooked food, and suddenly eating some fresh ingredients, or food that is not completely overcooked, always feels sick to the stomach. To put it bluntly, many Chinese people are not comfortable with the Mediterranean diet. How can this be done? Now, Dr. Zhang will introduce to you an improved version of the “Mediterranean diet”. Let Dr. Zhang say that we do not completely copy the Mediterranean diet plan. I suggest that everyone should eat more of the following 9 types of food:

1. Cereal and potato foods

Our current people still eat more refined grains, but less coarse grains and potatoes. This is a major dietary problem. The dietary guidelines of various countries have begun to suggest that people should pay attention to the intake of appropriate amounts of cereals and potatoes every day, which is a relatively healthy diet plan. It is generally recommended that ordinary healthy adults consume 250-400 g of cereals and potatoes (half a catty eight liang) per day, including 50-150 g of whole grains and mixed beans (one-two-three-two), and potatoes 50-100g (one-two-two two). In other words, try to “match the thickness” of food as much as possible. For example, put some brown rice, miscellaneous grains (such as millet, corn, oats, etc.) and miscellaneous beans (such as red beans, mung beans, etc.) in the rice. more healthy.

Cereals and Potatoes

2. Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are one of the healthiest foods that human beings have seen so far, and they are the foods that everyone eats every day. For the intake of vegetables and fruits, it is generally recommended that ≥ 500 g (one catty) per day, of which the daily intake of vegetables is 300~500 g (6 taels-1 catties), and dark vegetables should account for half; the daily intake of fresh fruits is 200~500g. 350 g (4 taels-7 taels). At the same time, Dr. Zhang would like to propose that if such vegetables and fruits are suitable to be eaten raw, try to eat them as fresh as possible, which will help to supplement more nutrients and also conform to the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet. In addition, when you eat fruit, be careful not to squeeze it into fruit juice. Fruit juice cannot replace fruit. It is better and healthier to eat in the original ecology.

Vegetables and fruits

3. Fish

Eat fish twice a week, preferably at least 6 taels. Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and is an excellent source of protein that is very good for the body. Therefore, major dietary guidelines around the world recommend fish as a healthy food. The Healthy Lifestyle Guide recommends that fish intake should be at least 6 taels per week. At the same time, it is recommended to reduce the frying method of cooking, and try to cook it as much as possible. At the same time, the Mediterranean diet is also rich in marine fish, which we Chinese must learn.

Eat more fish

4, meat

When it comes to meat, many people do not dare to eat it, especially some patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases talk about the discoloration of meat. It is believed that eating meat can increase blood lipids and make people fat. In fact, meat should be eaten as well, but it can be eaten more cleverly. For example, pay attention to eating lean meat and chicken, duck and goose meat, which has little effect on blood lipids and can also supplement the protein needs of the human body. The current mainstream dietary guidelines recommend that the average healthy adult should limit the daily meat intake to 40-75 g (1 two-1 half). At the same time, try to eat lean meat and chicken, duck and goose meat, because this may be healthier, because it has less impact on blood cholesterol.

Eat meat, eat good meat

5. Eggs

Speaking of how many eggs a day is appropriate, it is almost one of the health topics that people are most concerned about now. In fact, the topic of eating eggs is so heated, mainly because of the daily intake of cholesterol. Because egg yolk is a food rich in cholesterol, eating too much will indeed affect the level of blood cholesterol. People with high blood lipids and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases do need to pay attention. At this stage, for ordinary healthy adults, it is relatively suitable to eat 1-2 eggs a day. However, for people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and those who need to control blood lipids, it is necessary to control the intake of eggs, for example, the intake of 1 egg per day, especially the intake of egg yolk, it is best not to let it affect to blood lipids, especially cholesterol.


6. Soy products

Soy products are a source of high-quality protein, and everyone should try to eat some every day. Because soybeans are rich in nutrients such as protein, soluble dietary fiber, potassium, and calcium, eating soy products in moderation is good for health. Relevant studies also pointed out that eating a moderate amount of soy products on a daily basis can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) also recommends 25 grams of soybeans per day (equivalent to 50 grams of northern tofu and about 125 grams of southern tofu). Or in layman’s terms, the northern tofu has less water, and 1 tael per day is enough, and the southern water tofu can eat about 2 taels per day.

Soybeans are good

7. Nuts

Nuts, eaten in moderation, not too much, are also a healthy ingredient. Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, minerals and other nutrients. Eating in moderation is relatively good for the human body. At this stage, the recommended amount of nuts for various healthy lifestyles and dietary guidelines is to control the daily intake of nuts within 20 grams. While supplementing nutrition, it will not affect the triglycerides in the blood lipid profile.

Eat nuts in moderation

8. Milk

Dairy foods, or dairy products, come in many varieties and can be said to be a good source of calcium and protein. Some medical studies have shown that compared with people who never drink milk, drinking 150-300 g of milk (equivalent to milk, which is a bag and a half) per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and death by 23% and 19%, respectively. Therefore, the latest healthy Chinese lifestyle guide points out that it is better for Chinese people to drink 300ml of liquid milk every day for health. Of course, if you need to control blood lipids, it is best to choose low-fat milk or skim milk. Ordinary people can choose to eat whole milk.

Good milk, good food

9, tea

Drinking tea is not part of the Mediterranean diet, and this eating habit is our Chinese tradition. Recently, my country’s Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines pointed out that drinking tea in moderation is beneficial to reducing the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, it is recommended that ordinary healthy adults can control the monthly tea consumption of one or two or more, among which green tea is the best. , because green tea has more health-promoting active substances.

Today’s introduction to the Mediterranean diet, I hope it can play a role in attracting more people to understand the correlation between daily diet and health, improve health status, and let us improve our daily diet. Let’s start, and I hope more people will start to pay attention to this problem. After all, too many Chinese people are eating unhealthy food, and they don’t even know it.

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