The “king of purines” on the table was found out, doctor: gout patients, these 4 kinds of foods should be avoided

When the Year of the Tiger is coming, there are cute little tiger images everywhere. Everyone thinks of the beautiful words related to tigers, such as “Tiger Tiger Breeding Wind”, “Tiger Head Tiger Brain”, “Dragon Fighting Tiger Fight”, etc. However, there is a disease that is described by tiger, but it is When people don’t feel better, that’s gout.

Gout is also known as “white tiger gnawing disease”. It is described as a tiger gnawing on a joint. It can be seen how painful it is, like a tiger gnawing a knife. This kind of pain is terrifying to think about.

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How terrible it is to have gout, let’s take a look at gout Learn about the course of the disease:

1. During an acute attack of gout, it will make people so painful that they dare not walk.

2. When gout develops to the chronic stage, tophi may be deposited in the joints, deforming the joints and affecting the function of the joints; The quality is destroyed, leaving only a thin layer of cortical bone to connect with the joint;

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4. When gout is severe, it will cause stones in the kidneys, leading to renal insufficiency and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease.

After suffering from gout, in addition to cooperating with doctors for active treatment, it is also necessary to pay attention to diet regulation, because the culprit of gout is high uric acid in the body, so it is necessary to control the intake of purines, and it is necessary to control the intake of purines in life. Eat less foods high in purines.

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Doctor: These 4 kinds of food are called “the food on the table” It is a big household of purines”, people with gout should avoid it

1. Broth

Many people think that broth is good for the body, especially if there are patients at home, they can’t wait Boil some broth every day for patients to eat. But people with gout must be careful not to drink broth.

Because the purine in the meat will dissolve in the soup, the milky thick soup is not the essence, but the purine. After drinking it, it will increase the uric acid in the body and induce gout.

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2, wine

I often hear some gout patients say that drinking beer will increase uric acid, because the purine content in beer is high, and drinking liquor will be fine.

Although the purine content in liquor is not high, alcohol needs the liver to metabolize and decompose, so it will compete with uric acid for metabolic channels, resulting in an increase in uric acid. So no matter what kind of alcohol, gout patients should not drink it.

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3. Seafood and offal< /p>

The purine content in seafood and animal offal is one of the best. After eating too much, it is easy to make the uric acid level in the body soar. Therefore, for seafood, gout patients should be cautious. You can choose jellyfish skin and sea cucumber with low purine content and eat them properly. For shrimp, crucian carp, grass carp and other medium purine content, you should control the amount.

As for the internal organs of animals such as sheep kidneys and pig livers, we must pay attention to taboos.

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4. Vegetables that are easy to induce gout

Some vegetables are also off-limits for gout patients. Such as cauliflower, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, these vegetables contain a lot of purines, and eating too much will increase the uric acid level in the blood, which will increase the chance of gout attacks.

And spinach contains 13.3 mg of purine per 100 grams, and contains oxalic acid, which will also compete with uric acid for kidney excretion, which will increase the metabolic pressure of uric acid, so try not to eat it.

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Gout patients are suitable to eat vegetables containing mineral dietary fiber, which can Balance the pH of the body, thereby helping the excretion of uric acid.

For example, vegetables such as winter melon and eggplant are low in calories, contain no purines, and can also clear away heat and diuresis, which are very suitable for gout patients.

In addition, gout patients should control the uric acid level in the body, and usually develop the habit of drinking more water to promote the excretion of uric acid. When drinking water, add ingredients of the same origin as chicory, gardenia, kudzu, lily, mulberry leaf, dandelion, and combine them according to the recipe.It can be made into chicory and gardenia tea to reduce acid and prevent gout, and the effect is better.

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Exercise more at the same time, strengthen blood circulation, reduce water and sodium retention in the body, Excretion of excess uric acid in time can prevent gout attacks.