The kidneys are most afraid of you doing these 5 things. If you can’t get rid of these bad habits, you will suffer from uremia sooner or later.

Uremia indicates that renal failure has developed to an advanced stage, and renal function is basically lost or completely lost. The kidneys are no longer able to work normally, and it is prone to water and sodium retention and toxin accumulation. Organization is badly affected.

Therefore, uremia can easily lead to various complications, and most uremia patients All of them lost their lives because of complications, but the scary thing is more than that. In recent years, uremia has a tendency to be younger, and research has found that this phenomenon is closely related to bad living habits.

What bad habits may cause uremia?

1. Use beverages instead of water

Many young people feel that the taste of boiled water is too weak, So I choose to drink beverages instead of water. In fact, this is a habit that is very harmful to health. Beverages not only contain a lot of sugar, but also contain many additives, which will increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. In severe cases, it will cause uremia, so drink boiled water or weak tea when you are thirsty, and try not to drink beverages.

2, drink a lot

Many young people have the habit of drinking, some for entertainment, some for stress relief, but they don’t know that drinking a lot of alcohol will not only increase the metabolic burden on the liver, but also lead to blood uric acid When the disease develops to a certain extent, it will increase the risk of renal failure and uremia, so people who have the habit of drinking should limit or stop drinking alcohol .

3. Too tired

Contemporary young people are under pressure from life or work They are very large and often face high-intensity work, which makes the body in a state of exhaustion for a long time, which can easily lead to the appearance of kidney deficiency. Cause various kidney diseases, uremia is also one of them, so whether you are engaged in mental work or physical work, you must combine work and rest.

4. Substance Abuse

Many young people feel that it is too troublesome to go to the hospital to see a doctor, so they will go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine at will, but they do not know that this behavior will also increase the risk of uremia, because most medicines have to pass through the liver It metabolizes with the kidneys. If it is abused or used improperly, it may lead to damage to kidney function and even lead to serious kidney diseases, such as uremia. In addition, even health products and supplements cannot be used arbitrarily. These drugs will also increase the burden on the kidneys.

5. Staying up late often

Staying up late has become the norm of modern people, and some people are In order to work overtime, some people are trying to relieve stress through night life. They don’t know that staying up late will have adverse effects on their health. First, it will affect the health of the liver, and secondly, it will affect the health of the kidneys, because the liver and kidneys must repair themselves at night. and metabolism.

Message from the doctor

Don’t think young, uremia It is very far away from you. In fact, young people may also suffer from uremia. Therefore, young people should pay special attention to the details of life. First of all, when they are thirsty, they should drink more boiled water and weak tea, and try not to drink other than drinks. People who do not need to drink alcohol in time should pay attention to the combination of work and rest at work. In addition, they should be careful in medication and avoid staying up late.

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