The key to advanced health care is not sleep and exercise, but only the word “less”

Health care is for health care. Many people in modern times have begun to consciously maintain health care. Whether they are old or young, they have begun to enter the ranks of health care. When it comes to health preservation, there are still many ways. Due to the increase in the number of people in health preservation, there are many kinds of health preservation methods, but there are really reasonable and effective ones.

However, they are also a group of people who maintain health. Some people can get results very quickly, and they are still very good. The body has already reap the benefits , but some people persisted for a long time, still no effect, and even some people have problems, it depends on whether it is correct and reasonable to maintain health. Indeed, some people’s health is indeed reasonable, but not advanced.

What kind of health care is considered advanced? First of all, I want to explain that it has nothing to do with sleep and exercise. The focus is on one word, and this word is less.

How much is it?

First, sit less

A common problem of modern people is that they spend a lot of time sitting every day. Whether it is at home, school or office, most of them are sitting, and even many factory workers are sitting. This work and life mode has brought some benefits, but at the same time, it has also produced some hidden dangers.

In addition, after the transportation becomes more convenient, it also makes people sit for longer time, and also forms a bad habit of being too lazy to There are time-saving and labor-saving ways to move, why do you have to work hard on your feet? It really frees the feet, but it hurts other places, such as lumbar spine, cervical spine, and Stomach, liver, blood vessels, will all be involved, because sitting for a long time will affect the metabolism of the human body, increase the accumulation of fat, and hinder the blood circulation , in this case, it will increase the incidence of related diseases.

In addition, if one posture remains the same, the cervical and lumbar spine will be unbearable, and if you sit still, your bones and muscles will not be affected. With exercise, functional degradation will also speed up, and aging will speed up, and naturally there will be more problems.

Secondly, be less greedy

Modern people are more concerned about their own image, regardless of men and women, they are equally concerned. This is mainly manifested in the cold weather. Most of the clothes they wear are mainly good-looking, and they do not think about keeping warm, so it is easy for the cold to enter the body. , the body’s excessive cold, moisture will be heavier,Yang Qi is also easy to lack, which can easily lead to many problems.

For women, the problem is a little more, the cold entering the uterus can cause Uterine cold, which is not good for women’s uterus and ovary health, gynecological diseases< span>It will be easier to come to the door, and menstruation will also be disordered. If women do not want to be harassed by various problems, they should pay attention to less greed for cold and more attention to keeping warm.

The greed for cold not only refers to the lack of warmth, but also has to do with diet. Some people like to drink ice drinks, ice Beer and ice water, also like to eatice cream, ice cream of various flavors, what a Attractive, where can you refuse. But I never thought that taking too much will easily bring cold and dampness to the body, and it will also lose too much yang.


It is very important in health care to be calm and optimistic, a good attitude can help enhance the body’s immunity, and also reduce some occurrence of disease. Compared with the negative attitude, there will be less bad emotions and less care, whether it is in the family or in social communication, there is not so muchCareful, in the face of some problems, but also indifferent, such people will be cardiovascular health , metabolism will be better.

And people with a good mentality will be more self-disciplined, have relatively good living habits, and will be more measured in everything they do, and their body will not be healthy. It is easy to be destroyed by bad habits, and naturally can achieve real health care.

In advanced health care, in addition to knowing less, you must also learn to avoid “pits”

< strong>Abstaining from not eating after noon, is it healthy or harmful?

It depends on the specific method of not eating after noon. Some people just hear that it can be healthy, but don’t have a deep understanding of it. How to do it in the end, just do it if you know it, I don’t even know that it is necessary to not eat after noonIt varies from person to person, and the method There are many. If you want to achieve the effect of health preservation, it must be combined with one’s own situation, on the basis of not hurting the body, and studies have also shown that Yes, some people are not suitable for this kind of health care.

That is, some people will take the words out of context and fail to grasp the key points, which will eventually lead to the mistake of skipping lunch. If you have caused a problem, it is recommended to understand clearly before skipping lunch, and then decide whether you need to do it.

In advanced health care, one more skill must be equipped, that is, combing your hair more.

Comb your hair with your fingers or a wooden comb in the morning and evening to stimulate To the acupuncture points on the head, it can also improve the blood circulation of the head, and improve sleep< /span>, as well as some discomfort in the head, is helpful. It should be known that there are many acupoints and meridians on the head, and combing every day can achieve the effect of dredging the meridians.

It is simple and convenient to maintain health in this way, but when combing your hair, you must control the strength, preferably evenly, and the other is to start from the top of your head. Start, comb to the occiput, comb for 10 minutes each time, about 20 times per minute, stick to it, the body can gradually reap the benefits .

Health care should also be paid attention to. If you can achieve the advanced health care mentioned above, it may not take long for your body to gradually reap the rewards. Of course, it is also necessary to remind that the key to maintaining health is persistence, it is not recommended to give up halfway, and patience is required, and it is not advisable to be too hasty.


1. “Combing hair for healing and health”· Health Times · 2019.11.5

2. “The 51-year-old health master passed away at an early age, should health continue? 》·Science China·2021.11.5