The hymen was originally torn? 8 little secrets of girls, you may not even know it!

We’ve compiled 8 little body secrets that even girls don’t know. Let’s see how many have you heard?

Actually, both men and women have Adam’s apples.

At 2 months, the fetus’ throat bone begins to develop. During the period from five to six years of age to puberty, the growth of laryngeal cartilage basically stops.

After entering puberty, increased male androgen secretion causes the thyroid cartilage to gradually enlarge and protrude forward.

In women, due to the increase in estrogen levels, the growth rate of thyroid cartilage is relatively slow and uniform, so the Adam’s apple is generally not prominent. However, if the girl is too thin, the Adam’s apple will be particularly prominent.

If you find that your Adam’s apple is particularly prominent, it is recommended to check the throat for disease [1,2].

Many mothers have complained that since they conceived the child, they feel that their thinking is slow, vague and forgetful, and they are always out of state. Is it really a three-year pregnancy?

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The dramatic drop in postpartum hormone levels can cause huge mood swings; coupled with the anxiety and stress of caring for a newborn, it can easily lead to memory loss and inability to concentrate.

Furthermore, studies have shown that pregnancy does cause changes in brain morphology, especially gray matter shrinkage, that persist for more than 2 years [3].

At this stage, the focus and function of the brain will tend to focus on the parenting of the child, while other things are ignored, and it is not surprising that there is a three-year pregnancy.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

This sentence is not groundless. Dysmenorrhea can be divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea.

The main causes of primary dysmenorrhea are uterine dysplasia, cervical obstruction, abnormal uterine position, etc. The dysmenorrhea caused by these factors is often relieved after giving birth.

One ​​is that pregnancy can help to improve the excessive tilt of the uterus and abnormal uterus; the other is that when the baby is delivered, the cervical orifice is fully dilated, and the previous cervical obstruction or adhesion is resolved.

So after giving birth, some people’s dysmenorrhea symptoms will disappear.

The cause of secondary dysmenorrhea is mostly caused by diseases, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic congestion, etc., which has little to do with giving birth or not [4].

The normal menstrual cycle relies on the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, and the ovarian function is regulated by the upper “leader” [5]. Although the menstrual period, cycle and amount of bleeding in normal menstruation are controlled by the ovaries, they are ultimately regulated indirectly by the brain.

Therefore, if women have unexplained irregular menstruation, the six test results of sex hormones are very important. If it is a problem in the “brain”, the cause must be identified before corresponding treatment.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Masturbation isn’t just for men, it’s just as important to women as it is to men.

All in all, female masturbation is not only normal, but also a positive attitude towards sex. Appropriate masturbation is beneficial to the development and maturity of sexual psychology[6].

The hymen is a membrane-like fold around the vaginal opening that covers the external opening of the vagina. Most of the hymen has a hole in the center, which is the channel for the discharge of menstrual blood during puberty.

The hymen is divided into: umbrella hymen, annular hymen, half-moon hymen, lip hymen, cribriform hymen, and imperforate hymen according to the shape. Every unmarried woman has a thin layer of hymen, only a very small number of women are born without a hymen, and only a very small number of women have no fissures in the hymen [7].

So, the hymen is not closed, it is “broken”.

A study published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Life Sciences found that women over the age of 39 were 128% more likely to be left-handed than younger mothers, which may be linked to maternal stress in older age. Larger and more likely to experience dystocia.

The study also analyzed that left-handers grow up to be shorter and lighter than “right-handers,” who are more common in a variety of conditions that may reflect developmental abnormalities. These include neural tube defects, autism, psychosis, cleft palate syndrome, stuttering, and schizophrenia [8].

Red has always been a symbol of love and passion, in part because red is the color of blood, which is associated with the heart, which in turn is a symbol of love.

However, a new study published in the US Bulletin of Personality and Social Psychology found that while red can attract the opposite sex, it can create a sense of threat among people of the same sex. The researchers found that the vast majority of men found women in red clothing or against a red background to be more attractive. However, women think that such homosexuals pose a certain threat to themselves [9,10].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

So dears, choose a safe color on the first day of employment, but Jimei people who want to improve their aura can consider it.

Reviewer: Wang Wei | Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


[1] Sun Aijun, Guo Xuetao, He Fangfang, Yu Qi, Lang Jinghe. Analysis of 50 cases of ovarian tumors with function of secreting sex hormones [J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2007(11) :850-852.

[2]Tan Daxian, Mo Yi, Xie Danni, Zhang Shucheng, Mo Lu. Investigation and analysis of the development of secondary sexual characteristics and age of nocturnal emission among male adolescents in rural areas of Guangxi [J]. China Clinical New Medicine, 2012,5(06):486-488.

[3]Hoekzema Elseline,Barba-Müller Erika,Pozzobon Cristina,Picado Marisol,Lucco Florencio,García-García David,Soliva Juan Carlos,Tobe a Adolf,Desco Manuel,Crone Eveline A, Ballesteros Agustín,Carmona Susanna,Vilarroya Oscar.Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure.[J].Nature neuro science,2017,20(2).

[4] Sun Min, Liu Fenglin, Ren Yuan. Research progress of modern medical understanding and treatment of primary dysmenorrhea [J]. World Latest Medical Information Digest, 2019,19(07):29 -30.

[5] Li Zhenyu. Related factors of irregular menstruation [J]. World Latest Medical Information Digest, 2019,19(68):171.

[6] Liu Shuang. The stigma of female sexual masturbation: a social discourse construction of “sexual stigma” [J]. Chinese Sexual Science, 2015, 24(04) :123-125.

[7] Xu Zhengxin. Female vulva morphology and plastic surgery [C]. Professional Committee of Medical Aesthetics of China Association of Integrative Medicine. Proceedings of the first academic exchange conference of the Professional Committee of Medical Aesthetics of China Association of Integrative Medicine. Professional Committee of Medical Aesthetics of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine: Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, 2004:102-104.

[8]V. Llaurens,M. Raymond,C. Faurie. Why Are Some People Left-Handed? An Evolutionary Perspective[J]. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences,2009,364( 1519).

[9] Feltman R, Elliot AJ: The influence of redonpe rception sof relative dominance and threatina competitive context. JournalofSport&ExercisePsychology.2011,33(2):308-314.

[10] PazdaAD, ProkopP, ElliotAJ: Red and romanti crivalry: viewing another woman in red increase sperceptions of sexua lreceptivity, derogation, and intentions to mate-guard. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2014, 40(10):1260-1269.

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