The husband and wife both replaced their knees, and the culprit was a good habit that persisted for more than 10 years!

All say “accompaniment is the longest confession of love”there is a coupleten yearsInsist on exercising for 10 kilometers every day

But they love sports, but they both Want to change knees? What’s going on here? It turns out that all this is because▼▼▼

The pain also seriously hindered the two people’s travel dreams. their daily life. After inspection, both of the couple’s knee joints are severely deformed

After careful preparation, the couple successfully completed it on the same day. Knee replacement surgery.

So, everyone must prepare the knee joint early Protection▼▼▼89% of knee injuries are related to excessive exercise

clinically in addition to the cause 80%-90% of the patients with bone and joint degenerative diseases with increasing age are knee bone and joint injuries caused by excessive exercise.

Improper exercise can lead to early “retirement” of the knee!

Our knee joints are covered with a layer of cartilage that lubricates, absorbs shock, reduces friction and protects the joint.

However, cartilage can also wear down. With age, overuse, or external damage, the surface of the cartilage becomes unsmooth, creating an uncomfortable rubbing sensation, and with the richness of nerves on the synovium, pain and inflammation ensue.

Walking is good for health, but walking!

So, is it not possible to exercise? of course not!

Instead, choose some exercises that are less damaging to your knees, especially for the elderly!

1. Walking steps: 6000 steps

People often say “walking 10,000 steps”, but the Chinese dietary nutrition guidelines recommend 6,000 steps a day.

6000 steps are safer, 10,000 steps are just good for memory.

How much you can walk depends on your actual situation. Don’t be too rigid, just take it step by step. Take into account the safety and effect of aerobic exercise.

If you feel unwell or feel tired, it is recommended to stop exercising.

2. Walking time: at least 30 minutes

The speed of walking can be divided into:Slow walking (70~90 steps/min)Medium walking (90~120 steps/min) Brisk walking (120~140 steps/minute)Extremely fast walking (more than 140 steps/minute).

The elderly with certain exercise ability can take moderate or brisk walking for 30-40 minutes each time, which can further strengthen the cardiopulmonary function. It is advisable to walk slightly sweaty.

3. Walking place: park or plastic field

It is best to walk in a quiet and clean place away from the road, such as parks and stadiums. It is best to use a plastic site, and avoid walking on hard surfaces such as concrete and asphalt roads, as well as walking up and down slopes or going up and down steps.

Because of the high pressure on the knee joints on these stretches, the knees are prone to injury.

4. Walking posture: head up and chest up

The ideal walking posture, the head should be vertical, do not stare at the feet, must not hold the chest, but straighten the chest, tighten the lower abdomen and buttocks at the same time, preferably bend the arms slightly, as The pace swings naturally, reflecting a sense of rhythm. When walking, you can adjust your breathing intentionally. It is recommended to take three steps to inhale once, and then take three steps to exhale once.

4. Preparation for walking: Be sure to stretch

Before walking, it is best to stretch or jog in place for 5-10 minutes to increase the flexibility of the joints.

Also do relaxation and stretching activities after walking.

5. Walking gear: the sole should be soft and elastic< /p>Walking must choose a pair of good shoes, not necessarily brand-name, comfortable. Because the impact on the soles of the feet when walking is 1.2 to 1.5 times the body weight.

A pair of soft-soled running shoes that fit your feet to cushion the pressure on the soles of your feet while walking and protect your ankle joints from injury. “Break” the sole should be more comfortable to bend, put on a few steps, the sole has a slight elasticity but not too soft.

Not everyone is suitable for vigorous exercise strong>

People with potential malignant arrhythmia and congenital heart disease may even induce heart disease after brisk walking. Therefore, if you notice obvious symptoms such as difficulty breathing and chest tightness after walking, you should stop and rest immediately. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, or if similar symptoms persist for several days, you should go to the hospital in time to check for heart problems.

In addition, some patients with underlying diseases such as chronic bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, osteoarthropathy, lumbar intervertebral disc It is important to consult a doctor for evaluation before participating in pedometer exercise.

Warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise. Before you start exercising, it is best to do preparatory actions such as stretching. During the exercise, you should gradually progress, do not start and stop suddenly, and increase or decrease the amount of exercise in an orderly manner. Try not to go out to exercise immediately after a meal, usually about 1 hour apart.

We often see, Rampage or excessive exercise. This is clearly wrong! Reminder: “Don’t look like you’re fine now, the symptoms will appear in two years!” When doing exercise, remember to do what you can! span>

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