The hospital is closed! There are only three anticancer drugs left! The reporter has been busy for two days, and the medicine that has not been bought for more than half a month is finally available

Mr. Feng, who lives in Lane 6, Wensu Road, Jiading District, asked for help from “Xinmin Helping Lennon”. His 72-year-old mother I am in the recovery period after breast cancer surgery, and I need to take anastrozole tablets for a long time. There are only 3 tablets left. I have not bought the medicines through multiple channels for half a month, which makes the family members and the elderly very anxious.

“Two years ago, my mother had breast cancer surgery and needed to take anastrozole tablets for a long time after the operation.” Mr. Feng said that half a month ago, he found that his mother There is not much medicine left, so I made an appointment to go to the hospital for follow-up consultation and dispensing on March 18. On March 17, the hospital where Mr. Feng’s mother made an appointment issued a temporary suspension announcement. In order to help his mother dispense medicine as soon as possible, Mr. Feng went to Jiading District Central Hospital, Jiading District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and other hospitals, but failed to get the medicine. 10 days ago, on an Internet platform, Mr. Feng saw that the flagship stores of many pharmacies had this drug, but after paying and placing an order, he could not see the logistics information. “The customer service staff said that during the epidemic prevention period, the express delivery speed was slow and the delivery efficiency was very low, and it was postponed indefinitely.”

“We contacted the attending doctor as soon as possible. The doctor said that this medicine regulates the endocrine system and requires the patient to take it every day, and the dose cannot be reduced nor stopped. There are only 3 medicines left at home, and they will be discontinued soon, what should I do?” On the other end of the phone, Mr. Feng His voice trembled.

After receiving the help, on March 28, the reporter immediately contacted the doctors in the relevant hospitals and learned that the drug is a cancer treatment drug, which can generally be purchased in general hospitals or large pharmacies. The reporter contacted the Jiading sales department of a large pharmacy and learned that the pharmacy once sold it, but it happened to be out of stock, and it was necessary to go to the headquarters to transfer the goods. Two hours later, the pharmacy staff said that the headquarters was also out of stock, and it was recommended to check pharmacies in other districts. After repeated inquiries, yesterday, March 29, the reporter and Mr. Feng finally found out that the pharmacy had medicines in a market department in Huangpu District. After calling and asking, they were confirmed by the staff. “That’s great, I’ll go to Huangpu District early tomorrow morning to buy medicine for my mother, so I won’t panic!”

This morning, March 30, Feng The husband drove to Fengyang Road and finally bought two courses of medicine for his mother.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Yang Yuhong