The high incidence of cancer in China is caused by eating MSG? Reminder: 3 kinds of seasoning really need to eat less

Text/Yang Min Feng Xixi, an all-media reporter of Yangcheng Evening News

At about 8:00 a.m. on March 16, the community health service centers in Xiancun, Linhe, Tiannan and Shipai districts of Tianhe District successively released Suspension notice.

The notice from Xiancun Street Community Health Service Center shows that in order to meet the needs of the new crown epidemic prevention and control work, the central medical clinic and its subordinate Yangjidong Station will be temporarily closed on March 16, 2022 (Wednesday); the vaccination clinic will be temporarily closed. Open as normal.

The notice from the Linhe Street Community Health Service Center shows that in order to meet the needs of the new crown epidemic prevention and control work, the central medical clinic will be temporarily closed on March 16, 2022 (Wednesday). Children’s free outpatient clinics and new crown vaccination clinics are open as normal.

The notice from Tianhenan Street Community Health Service Center shows that in order to fully cooperate with the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic and effectively respond to sudden outbreaks, the center and Zhijie outpatient services will be closed on March 16, and the opening time will be separate. notify. At the same time, the elderly physical examinations and new crown vaccination clinics in community health service centers are suspended.