The health killer of middle-aged men? 3 kinds of abnormal urination may be a warning from prostate cancer

Generally speaking, after entering the age of 45, it means entering a period of high incidence of cancer.

Not only age, but also cancer has a certain relationship with gender. Just like colorectal cancer, there are usually more males than females, about 2:1.

And there is one type of cancer, which is male-specific and prefers older men.

This cancer is—-Prostate cancer!

The health killer of middle-aged men, is prostate cancer terrible?

In fact, as the most common malignant tumor in men, the incidence of prostate cancer has increased sharply in the past 10 years.

According to the data, prostate cancer occupies the sixth place in the incidence of male malignant tumors in my country. As the age increases, the incidence rate also increases. It is at a low level before the age of 55, and 55. It gradually increased after the age of 70, and the incidence peaked at the age of 70-80.

Why is the incidence increasing?

On the one hand, my country has entered an aging society, and the number of elderly people is increasing, resulting in a gradual increase in the number of affected groups; With the continuous popularization of screening technology, the early diagnosis rate of prostate cancer has gradually increased, which has also led to prostate cancer becoming a common cancer in middle-aged and elderly men.

Prostate cancer, urine tell? When these phenomena occur, be alert to the arrival of prostate cancer.

In fact, the prostate has no obvious symptoms in the early stage. Only when the tumor blocks the urethra and bladder neck, obvious symptoms often occur.

I. Burning sensation in the urethra

After cancer cells appear in the prostate area of ​​men, the patient will feel the urethra during urination. A distinct burning sensation, and even a feeling of ants crawling inside.

And the speed of urination is very fast. After urination, I still feel obvious pain symptoms, which is because of the serious contraction of the bladder neck.

II. Difficulty urinating

Prostate The presence of cancer cells can also cause damage to the detrusor muscle of the bladder.

In this case, the ability of the detrusor muscle of the bladder is weakened, and if cancer cells invade the urethra, the urethra becomes narrow.

Patients will have symptoms of difficulty urinating when urinating. It takes a lot of force to expel urine, so the patient’s urination time will be extended accordingly, and the urination process will be shortened.

Three, pain in urination

Inside the prostate If cancer cells are not controlled in time, the prostate gland will become swollen, causing pressure on the urethra and bladder.

People experience pain when urinating, perineal and anus pains in normal times, and waist and groin in severe cases and radiating pain at the location of the pubic bone.

In addition, the continuous proliferation of cancer cells in the prostate may also cause compression of the rectum, which will affect the patient’s bowel movements, such as difficulty defecation or constipation< /strong>, can also cause intestinal obstruction.

As the condition worsens, the patient will have these symptoms again< /p>

If the disease progresses to an advanced stage, the patient will experience symptoms such as anemia, weight loss, physical weakness, nausea and vomiting.

If there is no timely treatment at this time, nearby organs such as the bladder and bones will be invaded by cancer cells, causing pain in the bones and even fractures.

At the same time, tumors may also affectThe reproductive function of the patient, the erectile dysfunction of the patient, the secretion of prostatic fluid will also be abnormal, and the sperm motility of the male will be affected by the quality of the semen and become lower, making the reproductive function worse.

Early detection, early treatment, and better prognosis p>

Early prostate cancer is easily diagnosed as prostatitis or prostatic hyperplasia.

Therefore, further diagnosis is needed by means of prostate cancer screening, digital rectal examination, prostate specific antigen detection, etc., and timely treatment is required after diagnosis.

Most early-stage patients can get better prognosis after receiving radical surgery or radical radiotherapy.

Advanced prostate cancer patients should not worry too much, as long as the androgen ablation therapy is used, strengthening the maintenance in daily life can also effectively prolong the life cycle.