The guy at the wine table suddenly “drinked too much”. Fortunately, a doctor was there and rescued him on the spot to save his life

Dr. Zhang was exhausted after a week of hard work.

Yes, there are four or five surgeries every day, more than 20 in a week. Each machine must be followed from beginning to end, not only for anesthesia, but also for the safety of patients.

It is precisely because the whole process is tense that this kind of work is particularly exhausting.

Some people will ask curiously: What is this job?

The answer is: anesthesia.

On weekends, a few friends outside the medical circle invited him, and he did not refuse, and he also wanted to relax.

However, one incident at the wine table thwarted his plans for relaxation.

Between the cups, a young friend suddenly said that he drank too much. Immediately afterwards, he lay down on the table.

The more Dr. Zhang thought about it, the more wrong it became: This guy weighs more than 200 pounds, how could he be so drunk? Besides, he had drunk once before, and he was a very combative person!

So he stepped forward and tried to pat.

Usually in this situation, as long as you take a pat, the other party will give a vague answer, no matter if he is pretending or drinking too much. However, this effect remains as untouched as meat.

Push it again, it’s still very heavy. Years of life-saving work in the operating room made him feel that it was not so simple.

He jerked the guy’s head up with his hands, and he wanted to look at his face. However, there didn’t seem to be any resistance or pain on the young man’s face.

​The boy’s half-open eyes and motionless eyeballs made Dr. Zhang think of a terrible situation – will he have a sudden cardiac arrest?

The guy is so fat, the flesh on the neck is so thick that it is difficult to feel the arteries through the slit between the neck and the shoulders. Therefore, he could only hold the boy’s forehead with one hand and touch the artery with the other.

At this point, other people also realized that something was not right, and they were all asking what was going on.

touched for more than ten seconds, he immediately shouted: Come and rescue! Move the table to the side! Whoever hits a 120 quickly will say someone has a sudden cardiac arrest!

Under the guidance of Dr. Zhang, everyone took turns to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration.

It’s a physical job, especially if the guy is so fat. A few minutes of chest compressions can drain the body.

The 120 who arrived later took over the rescue work, and they also went to the hospital.

At the hospital, with the injection of rescue medicine, my heartbeat came back.

After examination, it was found that the boy had a brain aneurysm. Long-term high blood pressure, coupled with drinking, the aneurysm ruptured.

The hospital immediately opened a green channel and performed surgery on the boy.

Everyone sighed, if it weren’t for the presence of Dr. Zhang, if there was no such timely CPR, the guy would be dead.

Here is a warm reminder to everyone: Make friends with doctors, there are only advantages and no disadvantages! CPR must be mastered well to make family and friends safer!

[Warm reminder] Please pay attention, here are a lot of professional medical science, to reveal the secrets of surgical anesthesia for you~