The green hills go away with only the fast horse and the famous sword, how can there be a desert like me in the sunset and lonely smoke

One poem and one article Every day’s original poems and dreams, don’t pass me by again

◎Using our too late as a nib, write thirty thousand and one tomorrow.

Writing about a closed flower shop, about a fantasy seaside.

And the last page, which should have been filled with names, was left to Xu Xuyan.


< strong>“Untitled”

Wen/Yan Shicai (Gansu)


Chewed by gears

One second

One second jumped out of the gearbox

I also grew up every second

The sun never cared about the loss of time


Every second, it has a fixed position

I envy the sun’s stubbornness

like someone envy paper in running water Like a boat

The water doesn’t flow

The paper boat will definitely run aground


If it stops

Will I still grow up?

And you

◎We gradually died,

Become someone reading and reciting,

Drenched in the rain of half a dynasty.

——Yun Xi

◎The short sentence in the history book is the life of that person——Yinzi

“Meet the Leaves in Summer”

Text/People Oriented< /p>

New sunshine after rain

Sunshine in one place

I can’t bear to clean it

Let them warm

roll The loneliness of fallen leaves

leaves in summer

always collect my thoughts like this

the traces of wind and rain

in the sound of cicadas

Choose a moment and be at peace

That quiet and beautiful posture

like a withered middle-aged

breaks away from the fence

With a little splendid sadness

With the unintentional Enron

Let the soul go deep into the soil

Let the life Thickness

precipitated in the bright light and shadow

such a summer

only the unbearable wind and rain

no joys and sorrows of the leaves returning to their roots

All peaceful farewells

are gifts of life

will open a new psalm

◎My rivers and lakes are rainy in the night, and the green hills go away with only fast horses and famous swords, how can there be a desert like me in the sunset and lonely smoke! It’s just that the breeze is bright and the moon is bright. Where does the lonely soul escape? ——Qinghu

◎I will rely on the light to find the blazing sun – Beicheng Mengfan

Twilight Riverside


Twilight, walking along the river

The front is a patch of reed flowers

The back is a row of deciduous trees

The night is coming from the river

Submerged the footsteps of pedestrians

A late returning egret

Take me into the snow white of the reeds

The river also accepted my reflection< /p>

I missed a bunch of spring scenery, and the river is full of moonlight

Fortunately, there is still a long river crossing in late autumn

One night at a time The tide rises from the heart river. Sing lightly

an old poem, as beautiful as a reed flower

The soul is swimming in the river. The other side

that small temple, housed

my clouds and moon, thousands of miles of waves

and the snow that fills the sky like new words

< p>

◎By chance Destiny. Or fate is accident. When people meet, some are stories, others are accidents. There is no logic in this.

“That Year” (outside one)

Text/Zhang Zhanyun

The bright red west wind

turned the sunset

boiled into

fragrant beef soup

< p>Sitting in the mourning sound of the cows

gazing at the old cattle

the last tear

◎ Reading and travel are actually very similar. Both pursue solitude. Read it alone.


Text/Zhang Zhanyun

It’s a lotus

In the pond< /p>


white moonlight

because of the fragrance of wheat

the wind falls

On the treetops

◎If you are a person with pursuit, your pursuit can be quantified A specific long-term goal can be divided into annual goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals. In theory, your daily life should be busy and fulfilling. If you feel idle or empty, there must be something wrong.

“Youth, Midsummer”

Text/Feng Yue

The evening wind blew away the rosy sky on the horizon

The baby running under the walnut tree

in the laughter Hiding the cool summer

time under the setting sun does not speak

there are birds passing over the weeds and idle flowers

get a bottle of turbidity Wine toast this midsummer

I haven’t taken away the idle flowers

When I go, keep the beauty of the weeds

Weeds leisure Flowers of youth and midsummer

Floating life and clear dreams can not be broken by the wind

The cares of the passionate years of love

Please ignite the painting when you wake up from the dream

◎A lot of knowledge, you think you understand it, but you don’t.

There are many skills you think you have mastered, but you don’t.

There are many questions that you think you have figured out, but you don’t.

A lot of mistakes, you think you have corrected them, but you haven’t.

The Feeling of a Moment


The moment I went out

inexplicable emotions

spotted with the hot summer

And my footprints

with the passage of time

become nowhere to go

I should stay where I am

Still rushing to the next destination

It seems to have become a secret in the wind

And I can only move forward

Just, facing the current Four Seasons

Where should I go again

◎Choose kindness, not In order to be rewarded, but in the days to come, live with peace of mind.

Carving Time

Text/ Single Sword


is a silent disc

it can handle all



carving in the meantime

no matter the wind and moon

no matter what the wind, horses and cattle

on the journey of life

Every day

is worth having

it’s totally the rhythm of time

not having it

also There will be no future

and waiting

cherish the present

carve the time

let every day< /p>

Have a good life

More enrichment

Less worry

Let’s take life into a period of time

More Many have

like CDs

spare no effort to accommodate

◎Book is a silent companion. Because it doesn’t require anything. It is a completely unburdened giving. Books are waiting to be read by you, like waiting for a loved one. You open it, it will accompany you to spend a quiet time. You don’t feel guilty about letting it go. People who love books are actually very selfish people. There is a secret mastery here. Also a sense of security.

Poem and Wind

Text/Wan Muqing

I don’t see the fragrance of flowers,

As long as there is wind and fragrance,

Silence like a stone poem,

Inspiration can also flow.

Can’t help but spread the wings of imagination,

Fly freely and romantically.

Wind, wind, wish to talk with poetry,

hope for flowers,

speak to the soul you like.

Flowers bloom and fall again,

the beauty and mind of flowers,

only poetry understands and appreciates the most.

◎The growth of a person is not only a way of suffering. But I want everyone to believe in the inescapable difficulty that, after suffering, will give you something unique. These experiences will become part of you.

After July. May the rest of my life not panic, not busy”

Text/6 kilometers

Half-hundred has passed. But I feel that I am born every day, and every second has growing pains.

The small courtyard where I work was named “Qi Chi” by me

But this pretends to be leisurely. Just relying on a few words of catharsis from time to time

I am afraid it will be difficult to give birth to a certain season and blooming grandly

I need to unravel a complete metaphor

Let every drop of sweat live

Get out of the roast

I know that there are many grand ceremonies in the world in July

For example, for The golden autumn in October lays the foundation.

Another example is the extraction of groundwater in order to build up the snow in winter

I think it’s time for me to learn to recycle sweat

Make sure a river with plenty of water flows through my body

with the rest of my life, and go

< p>Don’t panic, don’t be busy.


◎A person’s life is just a stinky bag, if you remove it After the soul is lost, there is nothing left.

The real difference between people is the mind and soul that they hide in the body.

So true friends are soulmates…

“Lychee is Calling”

Text/Han Xing


with a rose-like smile< /p>


Flower-like white clouds


Distant mountains like Dai




Looking at the smoke

in the distance

Is it meditating

or inReminiscing

The pine branches on the tree are red



the concubine smiled

I didn’t see Yang Yuhuan back then

the sound of horses’ hooves

I didn’t see the infatuated man at the time

The smell of cinnamon was fragrant

I don’t see Su Dongpo who is happy to eat lychees

I only see

The East River full of thoughts

Silently flowing into the distance

Midsummer night

Hot and windless

The active leaves

Silent and silent

Fireflies run quietly Come out to enjoy the coolness

Xia Chan’s chirping

pulled for a long time

moon is like frost


< p>As if I heard

Lychee is calling

Written at dusk on June 25, 2022

◎Why do people go to see the world more? Because only when you have seen the vast world and understood the truth behind everything, can you finally suppress the stupid restlessness and arrogance in your heart and become a person who smiles and stands still in life. Simple to live…

▍< /strong>《Volleyball》

Text/Party Seas


I give you a center of the circle

The whole world is in the palm of your hand

You hold your breath and think, ready for a touch of strength

[catching the ball]

Bow down, you are calm and calm

In order to hold up a fast-paced light

You will not hesitate to jump forward and backward


〔Secondary Biography]

The most critical transmission

not only needs to be stabilized, but more often

is to let the strength and direction of thinking ,just right Attraction

includes your running, jumping and waving

〔main attack〕

heart and heart are always so tacit< /p>

Approaching and jumping, the strength fully caters

A heavy artillery attack to the opponent’s position


Not all defenses are passive

Seize the opportunity to jump up and open a barrier with both hands

The most severe blocking is more effective than attacking

〔Save the ball〕

Not all smashes can be finalized

Your astute prediction and position

Enough for you to fly and hold up the confidence of victory


Intense and intense confrontation inspires fighting spirit

persistence , never give up will win more active

sounding counterattacks, let you have the last laugh


there is a very strong Lovely person, this person is reading this article, I really envy these words, thousands of mountains and rivers, see you on my behalf. Retweet something to eat ❤

Contributing author |Original sentence| Yan Shicai (Gansu) / People Oriented / Cao Hui / Zhang Zhanyun / Feng Yue / Qian Feng / Shan Baojian / Wan Muqing / Six Miles / Han Xing / Yifang Haihai (except poems in the text ◎quoted sentences part of the sentences are from the signature and Unnamed source is invaded and deleted, thank you for the beautiful work)

Picture | p>

This article is original, please do not plagiarize without permission, plagiarism must be investigated ╭❤~ Thank you for reading, love you. Bixin ╭❤~Every time you like, my heart will bloom one more flower