The “golden partner” of wolfberry has been found, drink it with soaked water, or the liver will become clean and help kidney health

When it comes to health care, many people think of wolfberry, which is rich in nutritional value, including betaine, amino acids, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus , iron and other ingredients are beneficial to human health.

Traditional Chinese medicine records: “Lycium barbarum is sweet and moist, nourishing and nourishing. Lungs, spermatogenesis, and Qi, this is a medicine that pacifies and replenishes.”

The kidney is a very important metabolic and detoxification organ in the human body. Once damaged or diseased, it will affect the body’s metabolism. The speed of garbage toxins cannot be normally excreted from the body, so that they continue to accumulate in the body, and various indicators of the body are affected, and the organ will also bear greater operating pressure and burden.

So, how should wolfberry be eaten to nourish the kidneys? If wolfberry is paired with them, there will be unexpected effects!


In traditional Chinese medicine, the efficacy and function of wolfberry fruit mainly include the following six points

1. Nourishing yin and nourishing kidney: Lycium barbarum is sweet and flat in medicinal properties, enters the kidney meridian, has the effect of nourishing yin and invigorating the kidney, and is a good product for balancing kidney essence. It has adjuvant therapeutic effect on soreness of waist and knees, internal heat and thirst, premature graying of hair, etc.

2. Clearing the liver and improving eyesight: Lycium barbarum enters the liver meridian, which is good for liver and kidney yin deficiency, jin deficiency and blood deficiency Symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, and dry eyes can be relieved.

3. Moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, Lycium barbarum enters the lung meridian, which has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and promoting fluid production. Diabetes Yin Yin, cough with blood has the effect of adjuvant therapy.

4. Regulate immunity. Lycium barbarum is rich in Lycium barbarum polysaccharide, which has the functions of promoting immunity, anti-aging and anti-tumor. , Anti-free radicals, anti-fatigue, anti-radiation, protection of reproductive function and improvement.

5. It can prevent atherosclerosis.

6. It can lower blood pressure.


Goji berry’s “golden partner” was found, drink it with soaked water, or the liver will be clean, and the kidney will be healthy

Lycium barbarum + Miyang ginseng soaked in water, efficacy: invigorating the yang and tonifying the kidney, preventing kidney deficiency

A lot of people may be unfamiliar with the name Miyang Ginseng. Li Shizhen’s “Compendium of Materia Medica” records: Seeking yang ginseng has the effects of invigorating yang, invigorating qi, invigorating kidney and tonifying deficiency, soothing the mind and nourishing the heart.

Goji berries and ginseng are soaked in water together to drink, not only can soothe the nerves, strengthen the yang and nourish the kidney, but also Strengthening the body, preventing kidney deficiency, and improving various male problems caused by poor kidney.

Goji berry + Astragalus soaked in water, efficacy: nourishing liver and kidney

Drink astragalus and wolfberry together in water to nourish the liver and kidneys.

Astragalus is rich in saponins, sucrose, astragalus polysaccharides, various amino acids, folic acid and selenium, zinc, copper It has many functions such as protecting the liver and gallbladder, promoting excretion, lowering blood pressure, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and enhancing immunity.

Lycium barbarum and astragalus, two Chinese herbal medicines, have high medicinal value and are great tonic for the body. Therefore, it is not advisable for people who are thin to drink more to avoid deficiency , It should be taken gradually, little by little, do not drink it when you have a cold or during menstruation, and also should not take it for people with damp heat and hot poison, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Goji berry + chrysanthemum soaked in water, effect: reduce the burden of kidney operation

Chrysanthemum is often used in water to clear away heat and reduce fire, so chrysanthemum has the effect of eliminating fire. Commonly drinking chrysanthemum in water can enhance the detoxification function of the liver and help to clear the garbage accumulated in the liver. and toxins, reducing the burden and stress on the liver.

Especially many men in life have the habit of drinking, which is undoubtedly invisible It increases the burden on the liver. At this time, using chrysanthemum and wolfberry to soak in water can not only relieve the work pressure of the liver, but also help repair damaged liver cells and improve the regeneration ability.

The liver is a “dumb organ”. The distribution of pain nerves is not dense, and it cannot send a signal to the human body immediately when there is a problem. We must pay more attention to liver and kidney health.

Wolfberry + Polygonum multiflorum soaked in water, efficacy: care for liver and kidney health

< p data-track="27">On the road, or when visiting the market, I occasionally find someone selling Polygonum multiflorum. When I see it, I still think about what Polygonum multiflorum is and why it is being sold now. There are more people.

After understanding it, I realized that Polygonum multiflorum has many benefits. It can help nourish the liver and kidney, and the effect of nourishing blood is also very good. The effect of nourishing the liver and nourishing the kidney will coincide with the wolfberry. Men can drink it regularly, and the liver and kidneys will thank you very much.

What needs to be reminded is that before soaking the Polygonum multiflorum and wolfberry in water to drink, you must first mix the Polygonum multiflorum with black bean juice and steam it. Cooked, so that the useful substances in it can be released more effectively, and the effect of matching with wolfberry will be better.


Red wolfberry or black wolfberry, which one is better for the kidney?

Black wolfberry and red wolfberry both nourish the liver, improve eyesight, invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang, and strengthen the body However, compared with red wolfberry, black wolfberry is richer in nutrients and contains more anthocyanins.

anthocyanins are surface active substances that can effectively resist the damage of oxygen free radicals to the skin, and It has a clear antioxidant effect, and this substance is also an anti-cancer active substance, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer and reduce the risk of cancer cell spread and metastasis.

In terms of kidney-invigorating effects, black wolfberry and red wolfberry have similar medicinal effects, but in terms of daily health care, Doctors recommend black wolfberry. If it is used medicinally, it is recommended to take it according to the doctor’s advice.

In terms of nutrients, red wolfberry contains more polysaccharides, but black wolfberry contains cyanine The ingredients are also very rich, each of which has its own advantages, which can be selected according to individual needs.


Healthy Cold Knowledge – Four Steps to Pick out a Good Wolfberry

①look. Good wolfberry looks dark red, but not too bright, basically uniform in size, not damp, and free of blackheads. Generally, Ningxia wolfberry is spindle-shaped, and there will be a natural white spot at the end.

②Pinch. Good goji berries are not sticky in the hand and have no obvious lumps. If it feels a bit astringent, it means that the quality of wolfberry is not good. Bubble. Good goji berries are usually full of granules. After soaking in water, most of Ningxia wolfberry will float to the surface.

③Smell. Unscrupulous traders usually use sulfur to smoke the wolfberry to achieve a bright color effect, and the smoked wolfberry generally smells sour or irritating. Really good wolfberry has the unique flavor of wolfberry.

④Try. Ningxia wolfberry tastes sweet but not greasy, with a slightly sour taste, and a slightly astringent and bitter aftertaste.

Conclusion: Wolfberry is suitable for people with weak constitution and poor immunity. However, during the taking process, it must be adhered to for a long time. Eat a little bit every day to see the effect, but you must pay attention to the dosage. Excessive consumption of wolfberry will cause people to get angry, nosebleed, and even cause red and swollen eyes.