The girl in the flower season burst into mania, and it was actually a teratoma in the ovary

China Ningbo Net correspondent Li Li reporter Chen Min

The 19-year-old good girl Wenwen suddenly changed her temperament this year. There is a tendency to attack, and many hospitals are tossed, and the medical team is helpless. Finally, he was transferred to the Department of Neurology, Ningbo Huamei Hospital (Ningbo Second Hospital), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. After diagnosis and treatment by a specialist team, it was found that the cause was actually a teratoma in the ovary.

The girl’s temperament changed greatly in the flower season

At the beginning of March this year, the parents noticed the change in Wenwen’s mood. The originally well-behaved daughter suddenly began to behave strangely, not only in temperament Getting bigger and bigger, he repeatedly contradicted his parents, and his right hand twitched from time to time. Wenwen’s parents took her to a nearby secondary hospital for a check-up, and even had an MRI of the head, but nothing was found.

Adolescent rebellion? Wenwen’s mental symptoms worsened day by day, she spoke nonsense, became manic, and even had hallucinations. Her family rushed her to a specialized hospital in the city for treatment. However, during the hospitalization, Wenwen did not cooperate with the medical team’s treatment, and she also developed fever symptoms.

“Although the patient has various mental symptoms in the early stage, the subsequent fever indicates that the patient’s disease may be more complicated!” Han Kun, a key medical discipline in Ningbo and the leader of the Department of Neurology, Huamei Hospital, National Science and Technology University to the hospital for consultation. After learning about the condition and seeing Wenwen on the hospital bed, Director Han knew that this was by no means a simple mental disorder, and guessed that he might be suffering from a special type of encephalitis.

Then, Han Kun and Gu Chengyao’s diagnosis and treatment team from the neurology department immediately arranged for the patient to be transferred and completed a series of examinations. The test results came out soon, and NMDA receptor antibodies were found in the patient’s blood, which confirmed the speculation of the two experts that Wenwen’s series of mental symptoms and fever were caused by NMDA encephalitis.

Surprisingly suffering from encephalitis because of benign ovarian tumors

“NMDA encephalitis is a type of autoimmune encephalitis. This type of disease is a Encephalitis mediated by the autoimmune mechanism, because the autoimmune system is ‘enemy and enemy’, mistakenly removes the self-antigen as a foreign component, which leads to the occurrence of the disease.” Chief Physician Gu Chengyao introduced that because the disease affects the brain function, so Patients often experience abnormal mental behavior, and in severe cases, varying degrees of disturbance of consciousness or even coma.

The diagnosis is clear, but treatment is just beginning. What causes NMDA encephalitis in young patients? The neurology team has formulated a standardized treatment plan for the patient. On the one hand, hormone shocks, gamma globulin immune intervention, and sedation with diazepam are used to relieve symptoms as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the medical team soon found a teratoma in Wenwen’s left ovary, and women with this type of encephalitis often have ovarian teratoma. The occurrence of diseases is closely related to tumors. Therefore, after the gynecological consultation, Deputy Chief Physician Yu Wen immediately arranged laparoscopic surgery for the patient, and a 1cm-sized teratoma was removed from the left ovary.

With the timely removal of the teratoma and the gradual effect of the drugs, under the careful care of the neurology nursing team, Wenwen’s epilepsy symptoms were controlled. In response, from answering the right questions, being able to play with mobile phones, and then getting out of bed and walking, when he was discharged from the hospital, he was able to move freely, with a smile on his youthful face, and his parents who had been worrying for many days finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Nervous system diseases are more complex, and the etiological diagnosis needs to be done, such as autoimmune encephalitis, which is often associated with tumors, and needs to be screened and surgically removed as soon as possible. It is recommended that people with unexplained mental symptoms must be It is necessary to go to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment, so as to achieve early detection and diagnosis, so as not to delay the disease.” Chief Physician Gu Chengyao reminded.