The girl accidentally swallowed a chicken bone while eating, and it took five days to see a doctor. The doctor said it would be dangerous if she didn’t come

Reporter Chen Xiaoli Correspondent Zhang Hao

Recently, the Department of Throat, Head and Neck Surgery of the Second Hospital of Shandong University successfully removed a foreign body in the neck of a girl with minimal invasiveness, which relieved the possible condition caused by the foreign body aggravate risk.

The girl accidentally swallowed chicken bones while eating chicken. She did not inform her parents in time and insisted on eating for 5 days. CT of the neck showed a bony foreign body between the left side of the pharynx and the left sternocleidomastoid muscle in the girl, which was located above the thyroid and adjacent to the carotid sheath. A perforation of the neck can lead to infection in the neck, and there is the possibility of massive bleeding in the neck.

Emergency Throat and Head and Neck Surgery hospital admission of children and emergency contact for emergency surgery. Before surgery, according to the location of the foreign body and considering the child’s young age, in order to minimize trauma, the team of Deputy Director Jia Tao of the department formulated a detailed surgical plan, and chose to first try the plan of intracavitary separation and exposure and intracavitary extraction. If the resistance is poor or the withdrawal resistance is large, the foreign body is not smooth, etc., the neck incision is performed to explore and remove the foreign body.

Finally, Jia Tao’s team successfully separated and exposed the end of the foreign body in the pharyngeal cavity of the child, and carefully separated and withdrawn to remove the foreign body. There was no open wound on the neck of the child and the expansion of the pharyngeal wall during the operation, and the preoperative minimally invasive design was successfully completed.