The general branch of the Huai’an Second People’s Hospital of the Peasants and Workers Party carried out popular science activities to benefit the people


China Net·Beautiful Jiangsu News On the afternoon of March 6th, the General Branch of the Second People’s Hospital of Huai’an City of the Peasant and Labor Party was in the Happy People of Guangji Medicine. On the first floor of the mall, a popular science lecture was held in the party’s expert health lecture hall, which is also part of the education activity of the general branch of the Huai’an Second People’s Hospital of the Peasant and Workers Party “not forgetting the original intention of cooperation, and concentrating on building a ‘healthy Huai’an'”. The lecture invited Zhou Wujun, a medical expert from the Peasants and Workers Party, Honorary Chairman of the Dermatology Branch of Huai’an Medical Association and former Director of the Department of Dermatology of Huai’an Second People’s Hospital, to give a lecture on “The Secret of Skin – How to Maintain Young and Healthy Skin”.

Zhou Wujun explained the mechanism of the skin and how to maintain health in daily life in easy-to-understand language combined with illustrated PPT The inner connection between skin, diet, mood and healthy skin, how to increase beneficial fats and the choice of daily sunscreen skin care products, residents listened to the lectures attentively from beginning to end, and the experts’ medical knowledge popularization made everyone feel that they benefited a lot.

After the lecture, Zhou Wujun answered questions patiently and meticulously for the residents. The lecture was attended by more than 40 residents of different ages and received unanimous praise. In the future, the general branch of the Huai’an Second People’s Hospital of the Peasants and Workers Party will continue to integrate the resources of medical experts within the party, regularly conduct medical knowledge popularization lectures for residents, improve the health literacy of the people, and promote the construction of “Healthy Huai’an”. (Huai’an Municipal Committee of the Peasants and Workers Party)

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