“The fitness coach deliberately seduced me, and I can’t stand the temptation. What should I do?”

Diarrhea is a very common symptom, and it can be cured as long as you pay attention to your diet. For long-term diarrhea, then we have to consider, is there any secret hidden behind it? How should we adjust it?

Chronic diarrhea is a long-term disease. Some people have hardly seen their own stools, always loose in texture, and defecate at least three times a day, and often five or six times a day. Sometimes, the stool is also covered with a layer of mucus. If you don’t pay attention to your diet, you will have diarrhea and belly.

There are many causes of chronic diarrhea. Spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency, and liver stagnation can all cause diarrhea symptoms. Among them, spleen deficiency is the most common one.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease is a disease of the spleen, because chronic diarrhea is located in the large intestine.

Our spleen governs transportation and transformation, and the food we eat is digested and absorbed under the unified command of the spleen. Once our spleen is deficient and the movement and transformation are abnormal, the digestion and absorption work of the human body will easily be messed up. The water is wet, the valley is stagnant, and the result is diarrhea and diarrhea.

Spleen, from strong to weak, is a slow process. Therefore, diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency will have a longer course of disease and will cause people to feel chronic diarrhea. At this time to the hospital for examination, often diagnosed as chronic enteritis.

In addition to diarrhea, spleen deficiency will also have the following symptoms

1. There will be obvious bowel movements in daily defecation The performance of loose, unformed and sticky toilet

2. The whole person looks dull and yellow.

3. Deficiency of the spleen is abnormal, and food is accumulated in the body, which will cause symptoms of food accumulation, such as bad breath and bad breath.

4. Deficiency of the spleen can easily lead to poor qi movement in the middle energizer, resulting in frequent hiccups.

5. The abnormal transportation and transformation of water and fluid due to spleen deficiency can easily cause dampness in the body, resulting in the performance of heavy dampness.

6. Spleen deficiency leads to indigestion, which can easily cause abdominal distension, loss of appetite, and even anorexia.

For chronic diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency, we need to strengthen the spleen. By strengthening the spleen, the evil of dampness and turbidity that has been formed is exuded, and the spleen’s transport and transformation energy is restored as much as possible, thereby normalizing the body’s digestion and absorption.

Invigorating the spleen, nourishing qi, and dampness in the stomach – Shenling Baizhu Powder

The main ingredient of Shenling Baizhu Powder is ginseng , Atractylodes, Poria, licorice, Amomum, tangerine peel, Campanulaceae, lentils, yam, lotus seeds, Coix seed and other medicinal materials.

In the recipe, ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, licorice, spleen and Qi, Amomum, tangerine peel, Platycodon grandiflorum, lentils, yam, lotus seed meat, Coix seed regulate Qi, invigorate the spleen and eliminate dampness.

If Shenling Baizhu San is used with these two acupoints, the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness will be better

foot Sanli Point

Zusanli Point has the functions of regulating immunity, regulating the spleen and stomach, and invigorating the middle and benefiting qi. For diseases caused by spleen deficiency, it can achieve a good effect of relieving.

Sanyinjiao point

Sanyinjiao is the meeting point of the three yin meridians, if it cooperates with Zusanli point , can play a good role in strengthening the spleen and removing dampness.

We can usually use moxibustion for about ten minutes, or about half an hour to an hour after taking the medicine, we can increase the effect of acupoints by pressing and kneading, and the effect will be better.

Finally, I would like to remind you that TCM treatment focuses on syndrome differentiation and treatment. If you have diarrhea, it is best to get the right medicine based on the doctor’s diagnosis, and not blindly prescribe the medicine yourself.