The first urine in the morning becomes like this, beware of cancer cells entangled in you! You can benefit from a glance, don’t regret it when you lie in the hospital bed

When there are problems with many human organs, it will cause different changes in the urine. If you take the time to observe, it is possible to receive a distress signal from them, which is equivalent to a small physical examination.

Let’s talk about some common manifestations or changes in the first urine in the morning. You may wish to compare them.

There are 3 signs of the first urination in the morning, which is a signal of the advent of cancer!

1. Painless intermittent hematuria

Painless intermittent hematuria is a characteristic of renal tumors and can be regarded as an alarm signal.

Painless means that there is no pain except hematuria in the early stage; intermittent means that when the tumor bleeds or invades the renal pelvis, hematuria occurs, and when the bleeding stops, the hematuria disappears.

However, this symptom is very deceptive: one can cause hematuria for many reasons, and second, the patient does not feel pain, and it comes and goes.

As a result, patients and their families are easily paralyzed and let it go, only to regret it when they cannot be treated at a later stage.

So everyone must pay attention: If you intermittently have asymptomatic and visible hematuria, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to check for urinary system tumors.


Common causes and countermeasures of hematuria

The color of urine turns red and dark, and there is “blood urine”, which may be caused by certain drugs and foods, so you can check yourself first——

Drugs: rifampicin, nitroimidazoles such as metronidazole, anthracycline antitumor drugs such as epirubicin, hydroxocobalamin, etc.

Food: red flesh dragon fruit, beetroot, etc., they all contain a lot of red pigment.

Usually, stop taking these medicines and foods, and the color of the urine will return to normal, so there is no need to panic.

However, if the red urine persists after the ingestion is stopped, or during the period of red urine without taking medicine or eating related food, or accompanied by discomfort such as frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, etc., you should pay attention and go to the hospital in time See a doctor.

2, rice soup urine

After urinating in the morning, if the urine in the urinal looks like rice soup, or even floats oily flowers, it may be chyluria, suggesting that there may be filariasis, tuberculosis, tumor, etc., and you should seek medical attention immediately.

3, urination bifurcation

Usually, urination bifurcation can be divided into physiological and pathological. The urination bifurcation in the first urination in the morning is mostly physiological.

This is because the urine accumulated in the bladder overnight, the pressure in the bladder is large, and the force of the impact during urination is also large, resulting in a temporary change in the shape of the urethral opening, and the middle part blocks the flow of urine.

In addition, the first urination after ejaculation and urination after drinking a lot of alcohol may also cause physiological bifurcation of urination.

Physiological urination bifurcation is temporary. Once the triggering factors are removed, urination will return to normal.

Actually, what everyone really needs to be wary of is pathological bifurcation of urination.

Generally speaking, the following conditions can cause pathological bifurcation of urination, and you need to go to the hospital in time for medical treatment-

①Suffering from diseases that compress the posterior urethra, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, and prostate swelling caused by prostatitis;

②Inflammation occurs repeatedly, and some urethral intimal tissue forms scars, resulting in partial urethral strictures, typically the sequelae of gonorrhea urethritis;

③During the onset of acute urethritis, the urethra was congested, swollen, and had a lot of secretions;

④Phimosis and long foreskin cause partial urethral stenosis;

⑤There are small stones in the urethra (urethral calculi) that block the urethra incompletely.

Of course, in addition to hematuria, rice-soaked urine and bifurcation of urination, the following common conditions may also occur in the first urination in the morning:

What’s wrong with urinating in the morning?

When I woke up, I went to the bathroom to urinate. Not only was my whole body comfortable, but it was also very healthy.

However, many people get up in the morning to urinate excitedly, but they can’t urinate because they are overwhelmed, not to mention how uncomfortable it is! What’s going on here?

Actually, the smoothness of urination depends on two factors:

First: Whether the force of bladder detrusor contraction during urination can smoothly excrete urine;

Second: How much resistance is caused by factors such as prostatic hyperplasia or urethral stricture to urination.

Under normal circumstances, the contraction activity of the detrusor muscle of the bladder is coordinated with the opening activity of the internal urethra, which can smoothly empty the bladder of urine.

But if you have an enlarged prostate, then there’s a problem—

In the early stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia, the resistance to urination increases, and the bladder detrusor muscle (even the abdominal muscle) can also excrete urine by increasing the contraction force. Medication at this time can relieve dysuria.

But if it is left unchecked, then as the disease progresses, in order to overcome the increasing resistance of the benign prostatic hyperplasia, the detrusor muscle of the bladder must increase the contraction force.

In the long run, the bladder detrusor is overwhelmed,The contraction function will be further damaged, so that the activities of the entire detrusor muscle cannot be coordinated and cannot produce fast and powerful contractions, and frequent urination will occur. This will no longer go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and the consequences will be disastrous.

What is the reason for the foamy morning urine?

The formation of foam in urine is mainly related to the surface tension of the urine liquid.

In general, the higher the surface tension of the liquid, the easier it is to form foam. The increase of urine surface tension is related to the changes of various components in urine, such as the increase of protein, mucus and organic matter.

Some non-pathological conditions, such as excessive urination, high position, frequent sexual excitement, nocturnal emission, recent lack of water intake, diarrhea, etc., may lead to insufficient water in the individual’s body, causing urine concentration, etc., which can easily lead to urine foam. increase.

As far as pathological conditions are concerned, the most common is that various kidney diseases lead to excessive protein filtration from the kidneys, resulting in proteinuria, which is often characterized by a layer of fine foam floating on the surface of the urine, which cannot disappear for a long time.

In addition, urinary tract infections, diabetes and other conditions can also easily cause an increase in urine foam.

Therefore, if you have no related diseases, you can first remove the common triggers to see if the urine returns to normal in the short term.

If there is still a lot of foam in the urine, or even frequent symptoms such as backache and swollen eyelids, it is recommended to carry out urine routine tests as soon as possible to clarify the specific situation.

(Health Daily Push)