The First People’s Hospital of Tai’an City: Promoting the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture in a down-to-earth manner

Correspondent Zhang Miaoxian

Since this year, the First People’s Hospital of Tai’an City has carried out Chinese medicine culture publicity activities through multiple channels and forms, and comprehensively strengthened the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture. Medical cultural knowledge, strive to improve the service ability of traditional Chinese medicine, improve the health literacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and create a good atmosphere for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Combining with the actual development of the hospital and focusing on the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture, the leaders of the hospital attach great importance to it, and the party committee Secretary and Dean Zhang Dong put forward three requirements: attach great importance to the construction of the traditional Chinese medicine service system in the hospital, the construction of leading Chinese medicine talents and system teams, and the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture; , written on paper, but to further promote the upgrading of hospital culture construction, fully integrate traditional Chinese medicine culture into the era background of hospital development, and realize its creative transformation and innovative development. It is necessary to publicize and give full play to the role of famous Chinese medicine practitioners in a hospital, fully exploit and promote the characteristics and advantages of Chinese medicine in the hospital, ensure the steady improvement of Chinese medicine work, improve the quality and effectiveness, and effectively promote the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine culture and promote the health of the people; The “Rehabilitation Center” construction project is an opportunity, high starting point positioning, high standard vertebral planning, high-quality construction, and integrates the characteristic elements of traditional Chinese medicine into the construction process of the traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation center. It will be completed as soon as possible and effective as soon as possible, fully tap and give full play to the broad, profound and diverse functions and values ​​of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine, and continuously improve the clinical service capacity of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation. Make a positive contribution to the construction of “Vibrant Daiyue, Beautiful and Strong District”.

At the promotion meeting and training class on the construction of traditional Chinese medicine and health culture in Daiyue District on May 18, Zheng Chuantao, a section-level cadre of Daiyue District Health and Health Bureau, proposed that medical institutions in the district should be based on improving To improve the service ability of traditional Chinese medicine, we must do a good job in the promotion and inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine; we must be based on serving the public, and we must do a good job in the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture; we must base ourselves on high standards and do a good job in the construction of traditional Chinese medicine cultural venues.

Since March, the First People’s Hospital of Tai’an City has organized relevant departments and department heads of the hospital in batches to visit the Xinxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Health Education Base, the Second People’s Hospital of Daiyue District, and Dawenkou Town Health Education Base. The hospital and other units have conducted many exchanges and studies on the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

In order to vigorously promote and disseminate the health culture of traditional Chinese medicine and improve the cultural literacy of traditional Chinese medicine, the hospital will further strengthen the publicity of traditional Chinese medicine culture. Columns such as “Traditional Chinese Medicine for Health Care” and “Famous Chinese Medicine Talks About Health” focus on the promotion of TCM health preservation and TCM characteristic treatment projects, publicize TCM knowledge with vivid content and lively language, create a strong cultural atmosphere of TCM, inherit the essence and keep the integrity Innovate, strive to take the road of high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine in the new era, and contribute to the construction of a healthy Daiyue Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.