The first melon in summer, the whole body is full of treasures! Eat it to lower three high effects

Are you out of breath?

Some people don’t like to talk, they are weak when they talk, they want to sit when they are standing, and they want to lie down when they are sitting. Some people have a bad appetite at every turn, and eat less without feeling hungry.

Some people have a good appetite, but they just can’t digest it, and their stomachs grow slowly.

In general, the whole person is a symptom of weakness, lack of energy, spirit, appetite, and perennial frailty. In fact, this may be caused by qi deficiency.

Chinese medicine often talks about “Qi”, so what exactly is “Qi”? To put it simply, qi is a very subtle substance with strong vitality and constant movement in the human body, and it is the basic substance that constitutes and maintains the life activities of the human body.

Where does the “Qi” of the human body come from? , from the natural qi, the water and grain essence of the food and the innate qi of the parents. Its formation depends entirely on the cooperation of various organs in the body, among which the lungs, spleen, stomach and kidneys are closely related.

So what is the relationship between “Qi” and the lungs, spleen, stomach and kidneys?

First of all, let’s talk about the lungs. The lungs are our respiratory system. We accept the natural qi through breathing. In the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, it is an organ that stores qi.

The lungs are opened in the nose, and its beauty is in the hair. If the lung qi is deficient, then there will be a situation of poor breathing. For example, there will be nasal congestion, runny nose, poor sense of smell, etc.

Secondly, the spleen and stomach are our acquired roots and the source of qi and blood biochemistry. If the spleen is deficient, the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach will be abnormal, and the qi and blood will not be fully transformed, then the body will be weak and the complexion will be pale.

Finally, spleen deficiency affects our kidneys. The kidney is responsible for storing blood, it is the official of the seal, and it is responsible for keeping the blood. We often say that blood is the mother of qi. If the kidney is deficient and the blood is not stored enough, it will affect the operation of qi, which will lead to symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, and soreness and weakness of the waist and knees.

One person is not popular enough, from this we can see

1. He looks very tired, even if he usually gets enough sleep , It is also easy to feel tired within two or three hours of work.

2. It is easy to experience shortness of breath, such as breathing several times in a row, or feeling out of breath.

3. Rapid heartbeat and palpitation are prone to occur.

4. Lack of qi and lack of blood will lead to symptoms such as dizziness and bloating. Occasionally, dizziness and dizziness may also occur.

5. If the Qi is insufficient and the Wei Qi is not solid, then it is easy to be attacked by pathogenic diseases, especially easy to catch a cold, and the resistance is decreased.

6. Too lazy to move, never stand if you can sit, never sit if you can lie down.

7. I usually speak in a low voice, I feel that I have no strength to speak, or I feel out of breath when speaking.

8. I sweat easily and feel tired easily.

9. Insufficient gas, blood flow is affected, and the face is prone to pigmentation precipitation. To put it bluntly, it is easy to grow spots.

10. The mood is always unstable, the mood is often uncomfortable, the sulky, unhappy, and some small things will feel distressed, and sometimes even feel depressed and sad.

11. Insufficient Qi can’t agitate the blood, and blood flow is affected, and the heart controls the blood vessels. Therefore, lack of Qi is prone to insomnia, upset, dreams and other symptoms.

12. Qi deficiency affects blood flow, blood can not nourish the brain well, and memory loss and forgetfulness may occur. For example, the computer is clearly turned off, but as soon as you walk out the door, you forget whether the computer is off or not.

13. No appetite for no reason, not thinking about eating for a period of time, or eating unpleasantly, easily nauseated, often with abdominal distension and indigestion.

14, often appear pale, or have the phenomenon of physical fatigue, sore waist and knees.

If you have more than 9 kinds of feelings or experiences in the past year, it is likely to belong to the constitution of Qi deficiency.

Because the generation of qi is closely related to the lungs, spleen and stomach and kidneys, we mainly replenish qi through the three organs of the lungs, spleen and stomach and kidneys.

Today, Dr. Liu shared three herbs, which can nourish the lungs, the spleen, and the kidneys, so that you can nourish from head to toe!


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yam is sweet in taste, flat in nature, enters the lungs, The spleen and kidney meridians have the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the lungs and producing body fluid, strengthening the kidney and nourishing the essence.

As early as the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, it was recorded that eating yam: “invigorates the spleen, spleen and stomach, and stops diarrhea.”

In addition, modern medical research It is also shown that yam has a bidirectional regulating effect on intestinal motility and helps digestion. It has a strong promoting effect on immune function and humoral immunity. In addition, it has hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects. It is also clinically used to treat indigestion children with autumn diarrhea, ulcerative stomatitis, eczema, diabetes and other diseases.


Summy is also known as millet, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Chinese medicine believes that millet is sweet, salty, and cool in nature.

It can be used to treat spleen and stomach deficiency and heat, nausea and vomiting, abdominal fullness and lack of food, diabetes, diarrhea, scalding and burns. Chen Su Mi can eliminate trouble, stop profit, and facilitate urination.


Medical Origins: Eliminate dryness in the lungs, treat wind Dryness lies in the chest and diaphragm. “The Secret of Attendance” says,Run lung qi, digest food, raise stagnant qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that almond is bitter and warm in nature.

It should be noted that almonds are slightly poisonous. Studies have found that the toxic substances are mainly concentrated on the tip of the almond, so the tip and outer skin should be removed when using. Also, be sure to pay attention to the dosage when consuming it.

Three herbs together can be boiled in soup or ground into powder and soaked in water, which has a good health effect. In particular, yam is a food with the same origin of medicine and food. It can enter the lung, spleen, and kidney meridians, and nourish the lungs, the spleen, and the kidneys, so that you can nourish from head to toe.
