The first expert review meeting of Yantai Biomedical Industry Innovation and Development Research Institute was successfully held

The first expert review meeting of Yantai Biomedical Industry Innovation and Development Research Institute was successfully held

public Net·poster reporter Qu Chenchen, correspondent Mo Yan reported from Yantai

In order to further promote the innovative development of the city’s biopharmaceutical industry, high-level planning, long-term perspective, and project leadership and industry-leading role, recently, Yantai City The first expert review meeting of Yantai Biomedical Industry Innovation and Development Research Institute was held. The meeting focused on the review of the Boguan imaging project in the field of innovative drug CRO, the research and development and industrialization project of Fuan Pharmaceutical in the field of bio-fermentation raw materials, and the Huaqiao Bioaerosol Environmental Virus Detector Project in the field of environmental virus detection and disinfection. .

Based on the practical implementation of various requirements for epidemic prevention and control, this meeting will set up a main venue for the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau and a branch venue in Muping District, and adopts a combination of online video conference and offline review. form of communication.

Headed by Zhao Shengtian, Dean of Binzhou Medical College, Fu Daotian, National Talent and President of Rongchang Biology, Li Yaping, Researcher of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Li Zhenfu, Chairman of Telford Capital, Shandong Luhua Environmental Protection Industry Development Center Researcher Lin Guodong, former dean of Shandong University School of Pharmacy, Liu Xinyong, director of Shandong Key Laboratory of New Drug Design and Innovative Drug Research, and Zhang Yong, chief of the Public Health Monitoring and Evaluation Section of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhifu District, Yantai City, and other members of the expert group listened to the Online report and review comments were issued. Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Muping District Government, Municipal Biomedical Industry Chain Office and relevant persons in charge of participating projects attended the meeting.

Tan Keliang, director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, said that the biopharmaceutical industry is a key advantageous industry cultivated by Yantai City, and it has been selected as the first batch of strategic emerging industry clusters in China, and the first batch of “top ten” industries in Shandong Province. “Cluster library, the municipal party committee and the municipal government made overall planning, and jointly established the Yantai Biomedical Industry Innovation and Development Research Institute with Binzhou Medical College, bringing together the professional forces of “politics, production, learning, research, and medicine” to build the industry’s innovative development. High-end think tank intellectual support. This review will gather the culmination of wisdom and provide a strong scientific basis for the development of a number of potential innovative projects.

Expert group members and project representatives exchanged opinions

At the meeting, project representatives combined the project The overall layout, technical characteristics, product characteristics, industrial sustainable development plan, team configuration, etc., will be elaborated on the planning concept, and the production effect and market expectations will be reasonably analyzed. The projects reviewed this time have the characteristics of high technology intensity, great industrial potential, and strong innovation. Through the evaluation of experts, objective judgments have been made on the maturity of the projects, the feasibility of settlement, and the market prospects, ensuring that the The “gold content” of the project settled in Yantai City.

Project review by experts

Experts comment on the project

Since the implementation of the “chain-length system” in Yantai’s biopharmaceutical industry, it has taken the lead in proofing, forming demonstrations, introducing a new round of industrial development policies, and building industrial development support A series of decisions and deployments, such as system, pay close attention to project breakthroughs in key areas, etc. Li Jian, mayor of Muping District and director of the Chain Office, said that the “life science innovation leading core area” of Yantai’s biopharmaceutical industry has settled in Muping, and the construction of the Muping International Life Science City with the theme of “Blue Medicine Valley · Life Harbor” is in full swing. A number of engine projects such as the Life Island, Super Factory, and Headquarters Base in Seiyao Valley are accelerating their rise. In the park, the entrepreneurial service system composed of platforms, capital and policies has been continuously improved, and the implementation of key projects has been comprehensively promoted. The 3 projects reviewed this time include both projects with quick results in the current period and projects with potential in the future. The expert review has made a proofing demonstration for the introduction and implementation of the International Life Science City project, which is of great significance for the implementation of standardized, standardized and professional operation of the park project introduction in the future.