The first clinical dose of the world’s first inactivated Chron omicron vaccine has been completed | Hot Topics

This article is reproduced from | Beijing Daily

On the afternoon of May 1, Omicorong developed by Sinopharm China Bio-Beijing Institute of Biological Products The clinical research on the inactivated vaccine of the mutant new coronavirus has officially completed the first dose of vaccination in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. This is also the world’s first inactivated vaccine against the new coronavirus that has entered clinical trials against the Ormicron variant. Recently, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has occurred in many places in China. The main “culprit” is the Omicron variant, which is highly infectious, has a short incubation period, a short passage time, and is resistant to infection. Control difficulty and other characteristics. On April 26, the State Drug Administration of China officially approved the inactivated vaccine against the new coronavirus developed by Sinopharm and Sinopharm based on the Omicron variant strain (Omicron) (hereinafter referred to as the Omicron) to enter clinical research. To evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of new coronavirus variant vaccines in various populations. After obtaining the clinical approval, the National Drug Clinical Trial Institute of Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital immediately carried out the preparatory work before the start of the project, and completed the ethics committee of the drug clinical trial in the shortest time. The review obtained ethics approval, and the clinical study was officially launched on May 1. The clinical study of the inactivated vaccine against the new coronavirus of the Austrian strain will adopt a non-randomized, open-label, and externally controlled research format. The Austrian strain vaccine for clinical research in Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital requires two doses. Safety and immunogenicity in the population. After the clinical research data is approved, blank populations who have not been vaccinated against the new crown vaccine can be directly vaccinated with the Austrian strain vaccine.

“The development of a vaccine against the variant of Omicron is very important. Of course, the original vaccine is still effective. After the vaccine is developed, it may have better immune effect. This also proves the speed and efficiency of China in the anti-epidemic work.” Li Lanjuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that he believed that through strict clinical research, the vaccine’s effectiveness will be improved. The safety and effectiveness can be further proved to ensure the application of the vaccine in the future. Zhang Yuntao, Chief Scientist and Vice President of China Biotechnology, told reporters earlier that the Austrian strain vaccine was systematically evaluated for animal immunogenicity before it was approved for clinical research. In vitro cross-neutralization experiments were performed on various variants of high concern. Judging from the results, the Austrian strain vaccine has good neutralizing activity against the Omicron variant, and the neutralizing activity against beta, delta, and prototype strains has also been improved, and the effect is still very satisfactory.