The first case in Suzhou | The team of Professor Li Dianyuan from the Heart Center of Suzhou Municipal Hospital successfully completed the first clinical application of INSPIRIS RESILIA aortic valve bioprosthesis in the hospital

Recently, Suzhou Municipal Hospital Heart CenterProfessor Li Dianyuan’s team< /span>Inspiris ® (INSPIRIS RESILIA) aortic valve bioprosthesis was successfully applied to a 63-year-old patient with severe aortic valve calcification and regurgitation who underwent surgical aortic valve replacement During the operation, the first Yingshi ® aortic valve bioprosthetic valve in Suzhou was implanted, allowing the patient to regain his “heart”. The successful operation of this case not only brings more choices to the majority of patients, but also marks that the development of the SAVR field in Suzhou has entered a new stage!

Case Sharing| Ready to use, saves surgery time,

optimizes patient outcomes

Profit®Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis

The patient was a 63-year-old man with severe rheumatic calcification of the aortic valve. He was diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis with mild regurgitation. Preoperative ultrasound results showed that the patient’s peak transvalvular pressure gradient was 73 mmHg, mean transvalvular gradient of 39 mmHg, limited leaflet function, and mild regurgitation. After communicating with the patient and family members, surgical aortic valve replacement was planned.

preoperative ultrasound

The diseased valve leaflet was preserved, and a 23 mm Yingshi ® aortic valve biological valve was implanted after accurate measurement. After the implantation is completed, the incision is closed, the air is exhausted, the ascending aorta is opened, and the patient’s cardiac function is restored. After the heart rate and blood pressure are stable, the cardiopulmonary bypass is stopped, and the chest is finally closed to end the operation.

Postoperative ultrasound showed that the bioprosthetic valve opened and closed well, the mean transvalvular pressure and pulmonary regurgitation were 6 mmHg, and there was no central aortic pressure. No obvious abnormality was seen.

postoperative ultrasound

for patients | Bringing higher quality of life, and a promising future for bioprostheses

Inspiration®Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis

Professor Li Dianyuan:This patient is a 63-year-old patient with rheumatic aortic valve disease with severe calcification and severe valve stenosis. Moreover, due to the presence of calcification, valve function is severely limited, and there is aortic regurgitation. Although TAVR can be selected for treatment in combination with valve anatomy, the patient is relatively young, only 63 years old, and surgical aortic valve replacement is the preferred treatment strategy for such patients. In the process of valve selection, considering the problems of lifelong medication and poor quality of life in mechanical valves, biological valves have become the main consideration. Now, after years of development, the third-generation biological valve has been launched, and the anti-calcification technology has been further improved, which has further extended the service life of the biological valve. The quality of life can be properly exercised. Therefore, for patients who pursue a better quality of life, a new generation of bioprosthesis is recommended. The INSPIRIS RESILIA aortic valve bioprosthesis used in this case was the INSPIRIS RESILIA bioprosthetic valve, which was launched last year, and it is also a type of aortic valve that has attracted the attention of many surgeons. third-generation valve. First, the valve uses closed aldehyde-based technology, which greatly increases the ability to resist calcification and further optimizes its durability; itsSecond, the Yingshi ® aortic valve bioprosthesis is a dry valve, which does not need to be washed during the operation, and can be used immediately, which greatly reduces the time of cardiopulmonary bypass and the operation time. for better clinical outcomes. Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, it was decided to choose this valve. In addition, the current medical insurance policy of our hospital can be partially reimbursed, which saves a considerable amount of expenses for the patient’s family and greatly reduces the burden on the patient. Judging from the postoperative effect, the average transvalvular gradient was reduced to 6 mmHg immediately after the operation, and there was no paravalvular leakage and central regurgitation; the patient was extubated and weaned off two days after the operation and recovered well. This also shows that Yingshi ® aortic valve bioprosthesis is a reliable and excellent valve that can bring benefits to patients. The clinical application of the INSPIRIS ® (INSPIRIS RESILIA) aortic valve bioprosthesis is the first SAVR operation performed by the heart center of Suzhou Municipal Hospital using this valve, and it is also the first SAVR operation. The first show of this valve in Suzhou City, and the successful completion of this operation is an important step in the innovation and development of the Heart Center of our hospital. Under the leadership of Dean Kong Xiangqing, the heart center of our hospital has introduced top talents from China, integrated cardiology, cardiac surgery, ultrasound, anesthesiology and other departments to form an integrated heart disease diagnosis and treatment center, allowing patients to solve all heart problems in one stop. Therefore, the vast number of Suzhou patients can enjoy the top medical resources in China, as well as domestic leading treatment technologies and treatment methods, and cutting-edge treatment concepts without going to the market. Today, the heart center of our hospital has carried out a number of domestic advanced technologies, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), transcatheter mitral valve clamp (TEER), and applied domestic innovative medical devices, such as Yingshi ®Aortic valve biological valve, CCM, etc. In the future, it also plans to introduce 3D printing technology to explore the improvement of surgery for structural heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other diseases, hoping to build the heart center into Suzhou in the next five years. The city’s leading cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment center provides domestic leading medical services for Suzhou and surrounding areas. From this patient, it can also be found that the current patients with aortic valve disease in my country are getting younger and younger. For these young patients, if they pursue a better quality of life, the biological valve should be better. choose. First, lifelong anticoagulation is not required after bioprosthetic valve implantation, and patients can exercise appropriately without worrying about bleeding events caused by anticoagulants; Thoracic surgery is also becoming more and more common, and a second biological valve replacement can still achieve a satisfactory prognosis; thirdly, the advancement of technology has made the minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacement such as TAVR more and more mature, even after the biological valve fails. Minimally invasive implantation of TAVR valve can also be used to avoid surgery, which can also achieve better prognosis. Finally, the decay of biological valve is a gradual process, during which treatment can be carried out in time, and if the mechanical valve fails , an acute event is likely to occur. Therefore, a bioprosthetic valve is a good option even for young patients. In general, the clinical application of INSPIRIS RESILIA aortic valve bioprosthesis has not only attracted widespread attention in the industry, but has begun to pay attention to the development of new bioprosthetic valves. Clinical application; at the same time, it also allows the majority of patients to have a better understanding of the aortic valve bioprosthesis and have more choices in the treatment process. It is hoped that a virtuous circle will be opened, patients will have more choices, and the majority of surgeons will continue to explore new instruments and technologies, so as to bring better diagnosis and treatment experience to patients.

This article only represents the personal opinions of the interviewed experts and aims to promote the communication and exchange of academic information.

For a full description of the medical devices involved in this article, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and side effects, see the instructions for details.

Product Name: Dry Aortic Valve

Registration No.: National Machinery Injection 20203130521< /p>

This article is the original content of “Outpatient Clinic”
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